I just completed a custom build. As far as I'm concerned, if you don't have the funds to get exactly what you want, save up. It's better to spend the extra on the best components you can find rather than build something inferior only to regret not having done it the way you should have in the first place. That said, I agree with the Remington action starting point. Re-sale value will be there later. I started my journey many months ago and found a nice Remmy 40X repeater action on a sister forum classified for a premium price....$625. The kicker there is that the action will always bring top dollar because of it's reputation. From there it's barrel choosing time. I found that unless you talk to a smith who has a deep selection of barrels in stock, you will wait a minimum of 120 days on a barrel from Kreiger, Shilen, Bartlein, etc.....I was able to find a Bartlein 5R 1-11.25" from "Grizzly" for $345 shipped to my door. So those two parts alone blows a $1,000 dollar bill all to hell. From there it's on to stock/chassis choice. Depending on whether or not you will ever try to compete should help in your decision here. I personally wanted a tactical rig that I could also shoot "F" with, so I went with the AICS 2.0 chassis. The beauty there is no bedding is required. The AICS is made to "bolt and go". This will save some dough with your smith because you're omitting a step in the process. The AICS will set you back a chunk though. Starting at around $875 for the 1.0, and up to $1275 for the 2.0, depending on where you shop. I bought mine from Eurooptic.....no tax and free shipping. So there's 2K spent already, and we've not covered Glass, Glass mounting, bolt, and extras like ceramic paint, fluting, muzzle brake, etc......I was told by a long time match shooter many years ago, "you should spend as much or more on your glass as you do on your entire rig". Now I don't know if that really holds true anymore. Competition among Scope manufacturers have really made some great optics more affordable. Of course once you set your mind to getting a top of the line optic, then Nightforce, Shmidt and Bender, March, and Swarovski come to mind. But there are a few companies out there making awesome glass at a much lower price point, like Vortex's PST line, or Sightron's S series. We could talk glass all day, end the end get what you want here, because if you're like me, cutting corners on glass to save money will only lead to regret later. I went with the Nightforce NXS 12-42X56 and couldn't be happier. Of course at $1,700, it will make your wallet sulk and get mad at you for several days afterward. When it comes to rings I went with Seekins, and have been very happy with the style and performance of Glen's rings from day one. But go ahead and figure another $150 there. A good base will set you back $100, but it makes no sense to cut corners on glass mounting. It's like buying a BMW and putting some cheap 200 dollar set of off brand tires on it. I hope this has helped, because I'm getting "typer's cramp writing this post". At the end of the day, get what you want and be happy with your decision. That will ensure you aren't constantly trying to upgrade or swap parts later. Here's a pic of the rig I just finished. It was expensive, but I have no regrets. Good luck with whatever direction you decide........