To begin with let me tell you the purpose behind this build “Hero” by Larry McElroy of “Excorio Precision Arms”, Let me just premise this by saying that this in no way can explain or cover the complete story. Like so many parents they are partial to their children but this will be as honest as I can be. This build was done in tribute to my oldest son Ryan, to try and capture his jest for life, being the “best” and the protection and caring for others. He always was looking or going out of his way to seek goodness in others and helping out others without regards to his own situation. His goal in life was to try and be and live the best in everything he came upon, sure he struggled through things like most kids did but never lost sight of “his” given life’s purpose. Though parents can teach and guide he became a mentor to his younger brother in which Sean looked up to with the utmost respect (a hero).
At the age of 9 while still in grade school he wrote a letter to the Marine Corp and expressed the desire to join since it would be yet another avenue to help out his country and fellow citizens and also be associated in his mind… “The Best” Of course the Corp told him to stay in school but Ryan never forgot and kept true to himself his commitment. He entered the Marine Corp Reserve in 1998 and after finishing his basic he tried out to become a Marine Corp sniper in which he failed the first time but made it on his second try. He continued his reserve duty and was pursuing becoming a fire fighter, again to help others.
In February of 2003 he was called to active duty and sent to Iraq in 2004, where he served until 2005 when he sustained an injury sending him state side for rehab and several operations. During this time Ryan was constantly feeling that he had failed his brothers in the Corp, Larry called it “Churchill’s Black Dog” and I agree as we lost him on November 3rd 2005 and was called to pull the greatest duty for a Marine…‘To Guard the Gates of Heaven”. Looking back over Ryan’s short time with us as most parents do it’s with sadness and grief but most of all with the greatest admiration in what he believed in and worked so hard to accomplish in so short of time. He was just one of many men and women that we owe so much but yet they expected so little. I truly believe in such a thing as he will always be…. Cpl Ryan K. Sullivent… My Son…“My Hero”
Here are a few pics of the finished build, I’m sorry but believe me they can not do this piece of work its due justice. The spec’s of the build are: .260, Surgeon 591, Surgeon DBM, 24” Krieger 1.8 #10 MTU, McMillan A3-5 in desert camo, Jewell trigger set @ 2.5lb, Spuhr 20moa mount with an S&B 5-25X56 p4f, Metal is Cerakote FDE. though the test groups are only 3 shot groups it has put 5 shot groups of 1.25” @ 316yds and 2.5” @ 608.
I contacted several builders before selecting Larry McElroy after all I had never done this before and because he just seem to get just how important this build was and the purpose behind it and that was very important, not just to build a rifle but to fulfill my dream, my commitment which became Larry’s. Over the last year and some Larry and I conversed via several phone calls and emails, pictures and such, things he normally didn’t do for a build! We both had some very long nights and some sleepless ones as well. It had become us… our purpose… in his words his “Magnum Opus” and I believe it, for that I will always be very grateful to this builder, this man, this person that I didn’t know from Adam and he me, but I can honestly say that without him it wouldn’t have happened…. No way.
Thank you Larry McElroy, a true craftsman, person, and most of all... My Friend!
In closing I hope I haven’t rambled too much but yet instead tried to relay its meaning. Thank you for reading and looking.
At the age of 9 while still in grade school he wrote a letter to the Marine Corp and expressed the desire to join since it would be yet another avenue to help out his country and fellow citizens and also be associated in his mind… “The Best” Of course the Corp told him to stay in school but Ryan never forgot and kept true to himself his commitment. He entered the Marine Corp Reserve in 1998 and after finishing his basic he tried out to become a Marine Corp sniper in which he failed the first time but made it on his second try. He continued his reserve duty and was pursuing becoming a fire fighter, again to help others.
In February of 2003 he was called to active duty and sent to Iraq in 2004, where he served until 2005 when he sustained an injury sending him state side for rehab and several operations. During this time Ryan was constantly feeling that he had failed his brothers in the Corp, Larry called it “Churchill’s Black Dog” and I agree as we lost him on November 3rd 2005 and was called to pull the greatest duty for a Marine…‘To Guard the Gates of Heaven”. Looking back over Ryan’s short time with us as most parents do it’s with sadness and grief but most of all with the greatest admiration in what he believed in and worked so hard to accomplish in so short of time. He was just one of many men and women that we owe so much but yet they expected so little. I truly believe in such a thing as he will always be…. Cpl Ryan K. Sullivent… My Son…“My Hero”
Here are a few pics of the finished build, I’m sorry but believe me they can not do this piece of work its due justice. The spec’s of the build are: .260, Surgeon 591, Surgeon DBM, 24” Krieger 1.8 #10 MTU, McMillan A3-5 in desert camo, Jewell trigger set @ 2.5lb, Spuhr 20moa mount with an S&B 5-25X56 p4f, Metal is Cerakote FDE. though the test groups are only 3 shot groups it has put 5 shot groups of 1.25” @ 316yds and 2.5” @ 608.

I contacted several builders before selecting Larry McElroy after all I had never done this before and because he just seem to get just how important this build was and the purpose behind it and that was very important, not just to build a rifle but to fulfill my dream, my commitment which became Larry’s. Over the last year and some Larry and I conversed via several phone calls and emails, pictures and such, things he normally didn’t do for a build! We both had some very long nights and some sleepless ones as well. It had become us… our purpose… in his words his “Magnum Opus” and I believe it, for that I will always be very grateful to this builder, this man, this person that I didn’t know from Adam and he me, but I can honestly say that without him it wouldn’t have happened…. No way.

Thank you Larry McElroy, a true craftsman, person, and most of all... My Friend!
In closing I hope I haven’t rambled too much but yet instead tried to relay its meaning. Thank you for reading and looking.