My Nephew’s Mil Record Cleared of Covid


Chicken Rancher
Full Member
  • Feb 11, 2018
    He has stood despite incredible pressure and threats, now he is vindicated. He won and I cannot be more proud.

    He pulled doubles, working alone (made to isolate from vaccinated staff), because all of the vaxxed were sick with covid. He filled in over and over as they were out sick, never complained and when he sent in his religious exemption form, his base commander (the one who sent this email) sent along with it a letter which in part read that his refusal to be vaccinated was a hardship on the base and was destroying morale.

    They threatened to renege on his promised “pick your next duty station” he earned from exemplary service. They confined him to his house when not at work. They stopped him from being the in-flight technician (until they were so short staffed they had to use him). They threatened he was going to be separated and have to pay back his re-enlistment money. They tried to shame him at meetings.….and much more.

    Despite it all he is now at his chosen base and things are rolling along.

    Honor. He has it.
    Hate to think it but they have come to the realization they have a manpower problem and plans of adventurism.

    Once we have given Ukraine all of our money all we will have left is blood.

    They will take spiked or unspiked doesn’t matter.

    Dying for Ukraine may not be worth it.
    My brother never got it was able to put them in their place to secure himself and his position. He probably had a lot more leverage in his position than your nephew which makes it all the more gratifying. Good on him. There was really no reason to separate if the game was played correctly.
    Hate to think it but they have come to the realization they have a manpower problem and plans of adventurism.

    Once we have given Ukraine all of our money all we will have left is blood.

    They will take spiked or unspiked doesn’t matter.

    Dying for Ukraine may not be worth it.
    WILL not be worth it.
    I held out until the last minute every time. The date would come, and the date would get pushed until later. The company I work for (dirty scumbag contractor for the Army) tried to bribe everyone to get the clot shot; $1,000 if you're still with the company in six months. My boss called me when the last date was a couple days away, saying, "come on cowpokey (not my real name, imagine that), just get the jab, we don't want to lose you, you are a valuable member on the team". Fuck off, no refunds bitches.
    They have to as they can't get anyone to join because of all the woke bullshit. Fuck em
    In what I read. Many of those that were sent home awaiting discharge have been out for many months with no pay or benefits. They won't get back pay and if they don't return they will be considered AWOL or deserter.
    I consider the ones that got their paperwork and officially discharged are lucky. If I had been kicked to the curb and now they are threatening me if I don't go back after establishing a new life. I would see if I could get a leave of absence from the job for a few weeks. I would be very unfit for military service when I went back. I bet that I could get a BIg Chicken Dinner in less than a week.