Through a very fortunate stroke of luck I am now the owner of a "golden era" Springfield M1A National Match built by Glen Nelson in 1990 (SN 0592XX). It was purchased new by my department, carried a fair bit and I suspect shot little. I purchased a rusted up train wreck of an M1A ten years ago, tore it down, refinished it and ended up selling it off as it wasn't accurate enough to hold my interest. This one is a different story...a nice M1A has been on my want list for a long time and I've just been waiting for the right deal to come along. Couldn't be more pleased with it. I spent a few days cleaning all of the copper and fouling out of the bore and stripping, sanding and rubbing the stock with fresh boiled linseed oil. The stock still needs a little more work but it won't take much till she's a beauty tip to tail. I'm planning to reinstall a stripper clip guide but otherwise it appears unmolested. It doesn't have a USGI barrel but everything else appears to be. Can't wait to put some Gold Medal through her and see how she prints.