My one mile shot...


Polyhobbyism sufferer
Full Member
Nov 23, 2011
...almost. I ranged my target at 1740 yards, but it's rather hard to laser a torso sized target off hand at a mile. I think I may have been closer to 1660 as my points of impact were a little high at first. The caterpillar sized tan line over my Dad's left ear (pictured right), just above that group of trees is a pile of boulders about 40ft across and about 14 feet tall where I had my target propped. Took me about 20 shots to get it walked in, but once I had Dad spotting for me with my other rifle, I was able to get on target. The impacts on target were from my last five shot group (really a ten shot group, divided in two). Shots eight and nine were less than a foot off the right of the target. The big orange circle is the bottom of a five gallon bucket cut out and used for a stencil. I'll do better next time, but it was a load of fun.

What is that an old strip mine? Quarry of some sort?

Frig bring on the environemental destruction in my area if that is the result. Beautiful range looks like its manicured.

Nice shooting.