My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!


Old Salt
Full Member
Jan 16, 2011
Floyd Co, IN
This is my Savage. There are many like it, but this one is mine

On my eleventh birthday, I received a Savage 110 in 270 Winchester as my first centerfire rifle. I got this from a man unrelated to me, but was like a father to my dad and a grandfather to me. Got my first buck that year with it, on my father's birthday - only took me 4 shots to get one hit with all that buck fever

Fast forward through high school and college and a couple years working out of state...the rifle sat neglected in a case, a victim of teenage disinterest and non-use. Once I got settled I broke the old stick out and gave it a good deep cleaning, but couldn't get it to shoot worth a damn...not with factory ammo, not with a dozen-plus different reload recipes. Replaced the stock, but accuracy didn't get better. At that point I decided the rifle would rise again, but on my terms. I could rebuild it, I had the technology (and cash, albeit not much).

Today, that time has come.

I took the staggerfeed 110 action and gave the factory 3-screw trigger a good work-over. Need to adjust it again to take a little creep out, but it feels MUCH better than stock. I popped off the attached blind magazine, installed an extended bolt baffle (standard on short action 204/223s), and traded the factory .473 bolt head for an original .378 long action bolt head.

Why swap bolt heads? Because I'm building a 223 on this long action...if only because I can. Screwed a Savage takeoff 26" 1:9 223 barrel onto the action, checked headspace, snugged the nut up and called 'er good to go.

I picked a used Savage LA McMillan A5 up here on the Hide. Stock has a pretty good krylon job that is starting to wear/show primer and was only a single-shot inlet, but that's nothing that Jeff @ CDI couldn't take care of with his milling machine. He did a great job inletting for his Savage LA/308 mag DBM and turned it around to me very quickly. With the CDI LA/308 mag DBM you obviously don't need the entire length of a long action bolt and can utilize the aforementioned extended bolt baffle; with it, bolt throw is only 1/4" longer than a standard SA Savage.

I did have to do a bit of work to the stock with sandpaper and a Dremel for a proper action/recoil lug fit due to previous bedding, but everything now mounts up nice and snug.

Picked up a used EGW 20MOA Savage LA flat back scope base here on the Hide too, and mounted one of the popular Vortex Viper HS 5-15s on it. Add a Harris S-BRM bipod and WHAMMY, the budget bastard FrankenSavage is done.

For now.

I need to cut the very front of the scope base off to provide more clearance with the scope, and add a Pod-Loc to the bipod. I'll also probably end up with a Basix SAV-1 trigger, though I might get crazy and try to swap on an Accutrigger to match my other, newer Savage rifles.

In about 12 weeks I should have a 22" 7 twist light varmint Criterion 223AI barrel arrive from Northland Shooter Supply. At that time I'll probably Duracoat the metal and paint the stock, though I'm still undecided on colors. I may also send the action to Kevin Rayhill to be timed & trued. The A5 stock may also get sold and replaced with a Manners T2 - depends how I like shooting it over the next couple months.

But until then (and even after), this is the rebirth of my first centerfire...




Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

What on earth would make you want a manners t2 over that McMillan? Unless you're looking to shed weight...

Is the McMillan pillar bedded? If not, I'd gut it and properly pillar bed it to your action, wrap the tang so it ends up floated.

I will also recommend a SSS comp. Trigger, I have one on my savage build in progress, I got to sit behind and dry fire the basix and I prefer my sss comp. Just something to look into.
I also went with their comp recoil lug

Congrats on the build, I'm excited to hear what you have to say on it when you get the 7 twist as well, please post up some range reports.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Perfect write-up!! I got a 110 in .243 when I was 14 (took a lot of pre-Christmas propaganda, and my dad with a soft spot for The Christmas Story hid it behind the dryer wrapped up and much like the movie sent me on an errand where I would stumble across it after all the Christmas Morning festivities were over lol! And I have yet to shoot my eye out!)

One day I have a plan to resurrect the old Savage back to glory just as you have (although I bet it'll still outshoot my cousin's remington as it always did when I was a kid! haha)

I like the Manners T2 over the McMillan too!
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: calling4life</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What on earth would make you want a manners t2 over that McMillan?</div></div>

I've had a T2 for a while on another Savage, and I see benefit to having the same type stock on both rifles.

I could just as easily replace the T2 I own with an A5, should I decide I like it better. At this point, both stocks are similar but a couple trips to the range will be required to see which one is "best".
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

That is neither a POS nor a cobbled-together build, but rather a pretty darn cool way to keep an interesting piece of personal history in service. Nicely done!
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Looks good to go to me!

BTW, .041" piano wire can be used to fashion a suitable trigger spring replacement...
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BoilerUP</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: calling4life</div><div class="ubbcode-body">What on earth would make you want a manners t2 over that McMillan?</div></div>

I've had a T2 for a while on another Savage, and I see benefit to having the same type stock on both rifles.

I could just as easily replace the T2 I own with an A5, should I decide I like it better. At this point, both stocks are similar but a couple trips to the range will be required to see which one is "best". </div></div>

I agree with this, I look forward to a range report.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

First "mod" is complete - took a hacksaw to the front of the second lug on the scope base, cutting off everything that overhangs the barrel nut. Couple minutes with a dremel sanding stone and a file to clean everything up, a little dab of black Krylon on the bare aluminum, and now the scope has plenty of clearance. And as an added bonus, don't have to remove the thing to put a wrench on the barrel nut.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Took the rifle to the local 100yd range today to try things out. Ammo was a box of UMC 55gr MC to sight in the scope, and some handloads worked up for another rifle that wore this barrel before it was on this action.


Its very difficult to tell from that picture, but the right target on that page is a 5 shot 0.25" group @ 100yd...75gr Hornady HPBT @ 2.30", 24.0gr Varget, Nosler brass, CCI-400. Took me a while to get warmed group is the first five-shot, left group the second.

Switched to the 75gr A-Max @ 2.46" with 24.5gr Varget, Nosler Brass, CCI-400 and two of the three five-shot groups were under 0.55"; the other had a bit of vertical and was 0.8".

Later, 10 shots of the 75gr A-Max went into 0.61".

While the trigger leaves something to be desired (definitely needs readjusted if not outright replaced), I believe the rifle system and its factory 9 twist tube are capable of greater accuracy than I am. Not too bad for sitting in an unbedded used stock.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

cool write up...I would call that far from a cobbled together pile of ass...that is one helluva' rifle you have. Great idea to make it into what it is today!
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Another update:

A couple weeks ago I was able to sneak away and tried some load development at 200 yards, a first for me.

Temps were in the low 90s with a bit of mirage, and after a deep bore cleaning that removed a fair bit of copper it took 20-30 rounds for groups to tighten up again (seems typical of factory Savage barrels).

I tried the same basic load recipe as above (75gr HPBT, Nosler brass, 24.0gr Varget) but used CCI-450s instead of 400s as I had been occasionally piercing the 400s. I loaded rounds at 2.28, 2.29 and 2.30" OAL.

The 2.28" load went 5 shots into 0.85" @ 200yd while the 2.29" load put 5 shots into 0.95"; both were right at 2860fps.

That's sub-half MOA at 200 yards from a factory barreled Savage.

While my own accuracy limitations probably wouldn't tell a practical difference between the two OALs, the plan is to load up a bunch of each and evaluate with 10 shot groups at 200yd and see if one OAL stands out above the other.

I also plan to retry the 75gr A-Max/24.5gr Varget load @ 200yd, as I shot them first through the clean barrel and velocities were pretty good at 2950fps but 5-shot groups weren't bad but also not really exciting at 0.7 MOA.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Nice rifle.

Savage is a great buy for the money. It is very easy to like them the way they shoot out of the box with the factory barrel.

I have a 10FP in 308 that never ceases to amaze me when I do my part.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

My experience with Savage has been OUTSTANDING ! They built a custom Model 12 target for me last summer. It has produced many sub 1/2 minute 5 shot groups. The best was, with witness was a marvelous .054". at 100 yds.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: BoilerUP</div><div class="ubbcode-body">First "mod" is complete - took a hacksaw to the front of the second lug on the scope base, cutting off everything that overhangs the barrel nut. Couple minutes with a dremel sanding stone and a file to clean everything up, a little dab of black Krylon on the bare aluminum, and now the scope has plenty of clearance. And as an added bonus, don't have to remove the thing to put a wrench on the barrel nut. </div></div>

thats why i like my ferrel base

good looking build
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Late last week, my new Criterion 223AI barrel arrived. It is 22", Savage light varmint contour, 1:7 twist with 11° crown.




The new barrel drops about 20oz of weight compared to the 26" varmint contour the rifle previously wore...and balance is a bazillion times better.

As mentioned, the McMillan A5 stock on the rifle was bought used here, and I believe it was inletted for a Savage bull contour. I've included some pictures so folks can see the clearances with the LV contour. I thought clearances might be excessive to the point it looked bad, but I'm pretty happy with aesthetics.

Loaded up 50 pieces of new Nosler brass to fireform, hopefully tomorrow...80gr A-Max @ 2.475" OAL with 24.0, 24.2 and 24.4gr Varget. Hoping one of the three charges proves to be a good accurate FF load.

With fireformed brass, I hope to push 80s to 2900fps or more.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

This thread is worthless without 5rd group pics
.... I'm a savage man myself and my current comp rifle will never leave my house. I'll sell my wife first

Good luck,
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Damn. Nobody ever gave me a Savage in spite of propaganda efforts that would have given Joe Stalin a woodie.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: mwroseberry</div><div class="ubbcode-body">This thread is worthless without 5rd group pics

I generally don't post group pictures because, well, I'm a crappy triggerman...but since you asked:

These are all with the 26" 1:9 223 Savage 12FV takeoff barrel, and are 5-shot groups unless otherwise noted


(this target is 100yd, and I shanked the fifth shot on the left target)





^^^have no idea about the single errant hole on the left target, but the center and right targets are 10 shots each

Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Well, I got out this morning and ran 50 rounds down the new Criterion 223AI barrel...based on these fireforming shots with no seating depth adjustment, I think its going to be a shooter.

80gr A-Max
24.0-24.4gr Varget
Nosler brass
2.475" COAL

All are 5-shot 100yd groups, shot right to left with the exception of the very first target (center, left then right) and the red diamonds are 3/4" across.

I have numbered the first five shots through the new barrel (first shot was just off the paper) as I was adjusting the scope...needless to say, shots 4 & 5 gave me cause to be optimistic.

24.0gr average velocity: 2661fps

I adjusted 0.3mil up between the first (left) and second (center group), and between the second and third adjusted another 0.2mil up and gave the rifle a 10min break in the shade to cool. I also didn't clean the barrel between the 2nd and 3rd groups. 24.2gr average velocity: 2677fps

24.4gr average velocity: 2722fps

Last target of the day with 24.0gr Varget, 2655fps average

Posting groups like these tell me that my skills are improving, but still have a ways to go to improve consistency...which is one of the reasons I built this rifle in the first place - cheaper to shoot with minimal recoil, meaning more practice.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Ran 12 fireformed rounds down the barrel today to establish velocity...3 rounds each at 26.0, 26.2, 26.4 and 26.6gr Varget.

80gr A-Max @ 2.485" OAL
Nosler brass
26.0gr: 2867fps
26.2gr: 2896fps
26.4gr: 2936fps (best accuracy, 0.69" @ 200yd, slight ejector marks)
26.6gr: 2947fps (slightly sticky bolt, primers starting to show craters)
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Had a nice gentleman on another sight run my 26.4gr load on QuickLoad and he told me it was pushing 70k PSI pressure...which I'm not entirely comfortable with. So I loaded up 15 each at 26.2gr and 26.3gr and went shooting Thursday.

The 26.2gr load averaged 2890fps, and provided me a 5-shot .275" group at 100yd.

Since 100yd is a poor indicator of accuracy potential downrange, I then fired five rounds of the 26.2gr load at an 8" round target set up at 300 yards.


The first three shots were in the group, I pulled the fourth shot right (as I've said, I need practice!) and the fifth shot was right in with the first three.

Omitting the flier, four shots were 0.365 MOA and I still believe the rifle's accuracy potential exceeds my own.
Re: My POS cobble-together budget Salvage is complete!

Nice, I've been thinking about a similar build. Cutting a 26" 223 barrel down to 22" and rechambering it to an AI. I was wanting 75 amaxes at 2900, looks pretty doable. I have a bunch of Savage left overs so its not going to cost anything.

I've now got about 200 rounds through the 223AI barrel. I have found I shoot this stick about 3x more than my 260, which was part of the reason I built the rifle the way I did. The longest I've been able to stretch it to is 550yd, making round-for-round hits on 8" steel until the chain failed.

As noted above, I had settled on the 80gr A-Max @ 2.485" OAL over 26.2gr Varget in formed Nosler brass with CCI-450. I was very pleased with how it performed, but had started using 8208XBR in my 18" AR and thought I'd run a test to see how it did in the 223AI.

I started at 25.2gr, going up 0.2gr each step to 25.8gr and loading 3 rounds at each charge weight. I was primarily looking for velocity & pressure relative to my 26.2gr Varget load, but did elect to shoot at 200yd to see how each weight performed.

The first three charge weights looked quite mediocre around MOA, but this is the 25.8gr 8208XBR target:

Yeah, I know 3 rounds don't count...but if this accuracy verifies over 5/10 round strings, it would be more accurate than my Varget load while giving me 40fps more velocity.
you mention POS in the title of the thread. nothing about this rifle is POS. you have a fine rifle sir, nice job. looks like it shoots pretty darn good, too!

Well...answered the brass life question...

25.8gr 8208XBR is very accurate and fast (last two range trips had multiple 5/10 shot groups averaging 3000fps!) but way too least for Nosler brass. On the 5th firing (one fireform, one Varget, three XBR) I experienced 3 blown primers in 15 rounds (never any issues previously), and decided to call it a day. Thankfully, the bolt head wasn't hurt any. I'm gonna pull the unfired rounds and scrap that lot of brass, and dedicate the other batch of fireformed Nosler brass I have to Varget to test its longevity.

I picked up 200 pieces of Lapua brass recently, so the next step is to find a good fireform load with XBR, then hopefully a brass-friendlier accuracy node in the 2900fps ballpark.
I'm sure there are other powders that work well, but I've never had the urge to use anything other than Varget with the 75's and 80's. It's just so damn easy to find an accurate load with it and the accuracy holds at range. I'm pushing the 75 grain amax at 3000 out of mine.

Have you tried any domestic brass? I can't see see any difference between Lapua and neck turned Win brass in my rifle.
Round #2 of load development...

Completed fireforming 50 pieces of virgin Lapua brass today, and found a good fireform load:

80gr A-Max @ 2.462" COAL
Lapua brass, virgin
23.1gr 8208XBR

100yd 5-shot group measured 0.45" and a 234yd 5-shot group measured 1.00". Yeah, that'll work for hunting or ringing steel.

I also decided to use my other lot of formed Nosler brass to find a lower node with XBR.

80gr A-Max @ 2.462" COAL
Nosler brass, formed, 3x fired
24.8gr 8208XBR

100yd 5-shot group measured 0.62", one 234yd 5-shot group measured 1.26", and another 234yd 5-shot group measured 2.27" with four shots in 1.1" and a flier at 3 o'clock that opened up the group.

I also explored 25.3gr 8208XBR; it produced average velocities of 2960fps and accuracy just under MOA at 100 & 234yd...but in each group I had 4 shots in ~0.6MOA with one flier opening things up.

I've still got some load tweaking and a lot of skill development left to do...
I gotta say, I like what you've done here. And, if the the .223 AI doesn't work out you can always go back to the 12FV barrel in standard .223. Or, have it re-chambered to take 5.56 pressures.;)

I'd put a "like" on this thread except it might be too old?
Bumping from the dead for load data...

80gr A-Max @ 2.475" COAL
Lapua brass, fireformed
24.9gr 8208XBR
2950fps, verified on steel @ 650yd

90gr Berger VLD @ 2.49" COAL
Nosler brass, fireformed
24.9gr Varget
2750fps, verified on steel @ 650yd

This rifle is a BLAST to shoot, and if anybody is on the fence about building a 223AI...don't be. This one shoots my standard AR load (77gr Nosler & 23.5gr XBR @ 2.255") a fuzz under MOA, plenty good enough for practice or killin' stuff.