Hi Frank - again, I may not have the best insight into what younger, newer shooters would like to watch, but I have thought about this further.
I absolutely agree with the point made by another member above to ditch the long, unrelated intro section. The RRS one you posted above went 1:25 before actual related content started. The GAP...for me, 1:08. Many shooting vids have even longer unrelated intros than you, with their fav music running full blast (which I might actually fucking hate), and I often will quickly stop them and not watch.
And as you noted above, and I agree....watching someone just shoot is boring as fuck. All types of shooting are awful as a spectator sport. Unless you are demo'ing something specific or your shooting results were directly related to the subject of the vid, I'd suggest cutting that way back.
As for humor, etc....ok, I'm still of the opinion that jokes, snark, and the like are not something I would like to see in your vids cause its just filler and I'm looking for info.
I've attended two of your clinics and we were all out to dinner and drinks together night after night. You actually have a very lively, funny, and friendly personality when face to face (I know, hard to believe from reading some of your scorching posts on the forum!

). I think if you bring more of that flavor, it will lighten up your vids and make them more accessible to the public at large. I think in your RRS vid above you absolutely did that. I think in the GAP 6GT one, you did not.
You asked us to critique the GAP 6GT vid so here it is.
As I mentioned, the personality in your delivery was on the dry side. TBH, I didn't care for the vid. You say you're going to discuss the "Anatomy of a Competition (or PRS) Rifle". But, to me, it just seemed like a advertisement for GAP and this specific commercial offering.
In general, that turns me off and undermines any confidence I have in the info being presented. There really was no critique of the rifle...it was just "perfect" as is. Really? For example, I too cannot palm a basketball and whenever I look at these Manners (or other company) stocks, I look hard at the distance from the grip front strap to the trigger shoe. I personally would have liked to hear you talk about that a bit...critique it. Looks to me that you had to stretch a bit to reach the trigger.
And, if these are for attracting the public at large, I suggest you to drop the jargon or explain it. E.g. "Wobble zone". And 6GT..."G for George and T for Tom"....how many people in the public know who the fuck George and Tom are...or care? In the section about the action, the "GA Precision Templar V2 action"....that's just jargon to me. And two lug vs three and which style of mag is suited to one vice the other with no explanation of why (and yes, I'm the constant "but why" guy haha)
I really would have rather heard what you like about it
and what you do not like about it.
You asked for a critique and part of my former work was being a pro nitpicker....so, your nits got picked. I hope it was at least minimally helpful.