My son and I set up a new target backer....


Full Member
Jan 12, 2009
NW Oregon
At home we usually just setup a cardboard box and staple our targets to it. Today I threw one together with galvanized pipe, threaded joints, burned in a spot weld at each joint to keep it from turning, and with a small sledge drove the legs in to the ground. 24" x 48" backer from Home Depot, couple wind flags for added flare, and we're set. Positioned so we can still shoot our steel about 20 yards further out.


And then we had to of course try it out. My son wanted to shoot the SH monthly target again. I was on fire, nailed the cold bore, cleaned up on the numbers, was doing great on stage 3 then had a weird flier that threw me off. Tried for the smallest dot on KYL and missed it, ughhh.

I welded up a similar temporary stand out of rebar. I made it so I can slide pasteboard through it and replace them easily when they get too shot up. I pull mine up out of the ground after each use. It's handy for sighting in different guns.
This was built out of 1/2" galvanized steel pipe with threaded fittings. I burned in a tack weld at each joint to insure it doesn't loosen up.

Plan is to leave it stationary for the most part. It can / will be removed for mowing and such. We don't get crazy winds and doubt any wind we ever see will come close to blowing it over. The legs are driven about a foot in the ground.

The added bonus is the shooting line is in a decent piece of grass that is plenty comfy and if wet we have a giant flatbed trailer parked alongside to shoot off of. It is plenty stable, when I say giant I'm talking 22k pound tandem dual 5th wheel trailer.

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