N565 lot-to-lot variance


Mr Baker
Full Member
Mar 17, 2018
Farmington New Mexico
What have you all seen in lot variance in VihtaVuori N565? I’ve got three different lots from 2019-2022 and I’m considering blending. I’ve read that it’s very consistent powder lot-to-lot. Obviously I would back off my charge with the new mix. Trying to avoid load development every time I move to another lot of powder.

Viht is better consistently for me than others, sounds like you know what to do .....

5 pounds of one lot, 3 pounds of another and two pounds of the third lot.

Depending on how much shooting you do in a year, I might blend the 3 lbs. and 2 lbs.. If you shoot a lot then I'd blend all of it. You need to be extremely careful about static electricity during the blending process. You also need to blend extremely well to ensure consistency.