The "4th Industrial Revolution" is a fancy pants misdirection way of saying we are heading back to a Feudal society, just all dressed up modern like.
The Elites and their global mega corporations will rule hand in hand with the governments, own everything, control everything, decide everything.
The rest will all be disposable serfs with no ownership, no rights, no say in anything, who can be used up, discarded at will and crushed under the wheel of "progress" if they complain.
it is very similar to what many science fiction writers wrote about in one form or another; eventually machines would be advanced enough to allow a small number of elites to use them to control the masses with an iron fist. And the new "state religion" will ensure the serfs are told it's the "will of the gods" and they should obey and submit. The technology will make it much easier to identify and punish the "refusers" to the cheers and shouts of the sheeple.
Much as someone once said, freedom won't die with a whimper, freedom will die to thunderous applause.
You could get all hung up on exactly what part of technology they will use when, but the overall picture matters.
If the global Elites get away with stealing the "election" that just happened, not much is going to stand in their way for bringing the dark times back.
Much as Biden said... It's going to be a cold dark winter.
I'm pretty sure there are some older folks that grew up in Soviet times that could tell you exactly how this "new social contract" will play out in real life.
In my opinion I don't think there is any chance to avoid the bad times, the only question in how long the enslavement period lasts before the whole thing is burnt to the ground and started over, or if by some chance, outside of the control of most, the burn the whole thing to the ground and start over hits before the enslavement takes full effect. But I could be wrong, maybe there could be happy times and freedom for some more generations.