If it is going on an actual match rifle and you want the most out of the irons you can get, do yourself a HUGE favor and pay for quality right out of the gate! Any old carry handle with upgraded sights isn't an ideal solution although they'll work within certain limitations. Specifically, I'd have a look at the White Oak Armament Nat'l Match detachable carry handle which already is setup with a double-pinned rear sight, 1/4MOA adjustments, and comes complete with 3 different hoods in 0.038", 0.042", and 0.046" sizes.
Similarly, running an F-marked FSB, you can more or less choose which front sight post size you want. They come in a variety of sizes from 0.040", 0.045", 0.052", 0.062" and 0.072" (just to list a couple...there are others in and around that general range). Which one is "best" is entirely a matter of personal preference.