Nebraska long range shooting


Full Member
Mar 13, 2013
Hope this isn't in the wrong section. I live in the tri-city area in Nebraska (Kearney, Hastings and G.I.). Can't find a place to shoot past 100 yards. One range goes out to 600, but its only open one day a month, and due to so many shooters, putting up and taking down thre or for different targets takes all afternoon. Looking for a place to shoot safely out to 700-1000 yards. I've got everything needed, even warning cones to alert passer-bys. What do you guys do to practice at those ranges?
I know there's a range in Alliance, NE to 1,000 but that's a hike from you. You may be better off heading out to NE Colorado to some grasslands or national/state forest land and setting up your own targets.
Asked my wife's brothers if there was anything around York. They didn't know of any. Also asked my wife's step dad that lives south of Lexington. He reported nothing as well.

Good Luck!
Thanks for the replies guys. I might have to look at some public land that would be safe to shoot on. Always worried about others when shooting at that range though. Hence the warning cones I use.
Most of the people I was aware of shooting LR when I lived in Omaha were doing it out in someone's corn field. Alternatively, lots of people shoot P-dogs on farmers' land, so it might be possible to make a deal with someone to get access. ENGC only goes out to 600 yd as mentioned above. It's a fantastic facility, but not so close to you. My recollection is that there was a 1000 yd range in that the one you mentioned with very limited access?
I went to college in Kearney from 1996-2000. I used to shoot at a private range south of town that went out to 500 or 600. If I remember right a guy by the name of Wells owned it. Is that the one you are talking about that is only open once a month?! If it is the same one, it was open all the time when I lived there; you got a key to the gate. If that range is only open once a month now that is a shame, I shot there almost every week when I was in school.

Whether asking permission for hunting or shooting on private land in NE I always had good luck just asking people and respecting their property,
You are welcome to come and shoot at the ENGC (eastern nebraska gun club) with me anytime you are in the Omaha/Lincoln area. Pm me for my cell #for future reference. Thx---joe
If I were you I would check with a farmer or rancher in your area and see if they will let you shoot on their land. I live in centeral SD and thats what I did. I have steel set up along a pasture road between two fields. I can shoot out to 1300yds where I am at. You can't leave it set up but a off road section line would work for you too. Just a thought.