Need help on caliber


Dec 31, 2011
I know similar post have been done but I have a receiver I'm getting ready to build off of. It's a 7mm rum and I'm trying to decide on what caliber to use. I will be shooting mostly at 1kyds but want to be able to perform at 2kyds when I have the chances. I'm trying to decide either 300 wm, 300rum, or stick with 7mm rum. It's just for banging steel.
Which of those calibers performs best @ 2000 yrds
I suppose it depends on your definition of "perform" .

If you are down near sea level, 2000 gets harder to do. If you are up around 5000' or more elevation, it gets a little easier.

With a 26" bbl and some elevation, you should be able to get to 2K yds supersonic with the right bullets, in 7mm or .30 cal.

If you want a serious 2K rig, it will be in a different league than a 1000 yard play toy for steel, rocks, etc.

Go to JBM, enter your bullet and atmo combos you would shoot, and see how things look. That's a good starting point to get your head in the right direction.

Between 7mm or 30 cal, there are some trade-offs. Bullet weight, MV, BC, are all variables.

Don't forget the 7 WSM. Twist it for the 180 VLDs, and it does good things way out there. your long action would give great latitude in cartridge OAL, and throating for the longer bullets.
If you are shooting within 1500 yards most of the time, and 2k rarely, go with a 7mm mag of your choice (WSM, saum, rem mag, etc).

If you are honestly shooting mostly 1500-2000yds then go with the 300 Norma mag with Berger 230gr hybrids. Next step up is a 338lm.
Thanks for all the help guys. Forgive me if this next question sounds stupid but can I build a 30-338 LM of a standard rem 700 long action receiver. If I can, could it be a repeater or only single shot? Could I modify a box mag or better yet use an AI chassis with 338 box mags?
I personally wouldnt use a rem 700 on a case with a 338 Lapua bolt face, it is marginal. Build a 300 rum and get some bertram 338 edge brass from Shawn Carlock at Defensive Edge (neck it down) and you will have just as good performance, just as good brass, and work very well on the 700 action.