Need help with a bet regarding Fed Air Marshals, do they train SA in holster draws?


Full Member
Sep 10, 2009
So I have been having a dispute with a buddy of mine and can't find the answer online, was hoping maybe one Hide member might have an idea if this info exists out there.

The question is: Do Federal Air Marshals train to draw their weapon, DA/SA P229 357Sig, in SA from holster? Not exclusively but as one of the many ways they would train to draw their weapon.

Any links to sources would be ideal, but if you have knowledge or experience, I would gladly like to hear.
That’s an oddly specific bet.

I can't think of a good reason to do that. Actually, if they do any amount of DA training with the P229, doing that would likely so mess with the press-out that muscle memory would have them ND'ing into the fuselage. I carry a P229 daily, its a great weapon. But not for that lol.
I believe it is Colt 1873 Single Action Army Revolver. They’re extremely renowned for their quick draw ability. Others that are commonly used in no particular order is the The Remington 1858 New Army and the Smith & Wesson Schofield, although the Schofields were phased out as they could not fire the .45 Colt rounds which is generally the preferred round by all the top Marshall’s in the country.
I believe it is Colt 1873 Single Action Army Revolver. They’re extremely renowned for their quick draw ability. Others that are commonly used in no particular order is the The Remington 1858 New Army and the Smith & Wesson Schofield, although the Schofields were phased out as they could not fire the .45 Colt rounds which is generally the preferred round by all the top Marshall’s in the country.

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My suggestion is to take the next overseas flight you can book.
Wait until well over whichever ocean then go to the air marshalls seat and pimp slap him/her like the little bitch they are.
While performing this mission, you, yes you Mr. Phelps should pay close attention to the air marshalls draw method and speed.
There is always the chance you might be able to apply for a government sponsored study for a cool million or two, I suggest applying.

For these, or more, answers do not hesitate to ask further.
Thank you for playing.
So I have been having a dispute with a buddy of mine and can't find the answer online, was hoping maybe one Hide member might have an idea if this info exists out there.

The question is: Do Federal Air Marshals train to draw their weapon, DA/SA P229 357Sig, in SA from holster? Not exclusively but as one of the many ways they would train to draw their weapon.

Any links to sources would be ideal, but if you have knowledge or experience, I would gladly like to hear.
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