Re: Need help with dies for 308win
<span style="font-style: italic">"Okay so I need the full sizer, neck sizer die and a seater die? and thats it?"</span>
Okay, I'll make it easy. It doesn't matter what I use, your needs are different from mine; YOU will be well served by a set of Forster BR dies; that includes a very good FL die and an excellant (straight line) seater die. A micrometer seater head is a user convienence, it adds nothing to the quality of the ammo. And forget a neck sizer die, certainly for now and maybe forever. The value of neck sizing is inconstant at best and you don't need that confusion factor when getting started. And, yeah, that's it - for dies. But you will need a lot more than a press and dies and a shell holder.
Measures from Lyman, Redding, RCBS and Hornady work fine if the user experiments to learn what works best for each one AND the powder being used. Meaning consistancy is up to the user more than the brand.
The first thing you should buy is a loading manual. Get one by Lyman, Hornady, Lee or Sierra. They all include well writen beginner instructions and illustrations as well as loading data. You can learn what tools are needed for basic work from what they tell you.