Neighbor’s unofficial sign

I’d be surprised if the local tow companies weren’t contracted by the city/parking authority. I highly doubt they’d risk that to tow from an unauthorized sign. Just go out of your way to park in front of the sign. It’s a bluff. It only works if you let it work.

And, if your neighbor confronts you about it, just swing your purse at her camel toe.
I’d be surprised if the local tow companies weren’t contracted by the city/parking authority. I highly doubt they’d risk that to tow from an unauthorized sign. Just go out of your way to park in front of the sign. It’s a bluff. It only works if you let it work.

And, if your neighbor confronts you about it, just swing your purse at her dick.
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Get a handi capped placard then paint the spot and ad signage .
This would be HILARIOUS! But to make it better, the second he pulls back into the spot, call the cops to report someone parking in handicap spot without the placard on the mirror (or whatever your state requires).

Then secretly laugh your ass off as you watch the neighbor explain to the officer.

Neighbor - "This isn't actually a handicap parking spot."
Officer - "Sure looks like one, it has a sign."
Neighbor - "No sir, that's my sign someone put a sticker on"
Officer - "Wait, you put up your own sign?"
Technically, if it’s not in the HOA rule book? This is ok!


Same building? or building next door?
That might make a difference.
How many residences in that building?
How many curbside parking spaces per 'Unit"?
Letter on hold for now even though inviting him/her/they to the forum to comment is still an good idea.

Man that is some limited parking.
One street spot in front of 22509, one in front of 22511, one in front of 22513, etc.
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Clever minds of snipers hide, I can use your creativity,
A neighbor( I haven’t met) decided to claim the parking spot in front of his townhouse despite it being public. Parking is not an issue. We all have 2 car garages and the curbside public spots aren’t half used. So he had this sign made. Which he has no authority to do. So I undid the 2 wing nuts and threw it in my truck
So he paid to have another one made, and this time used security bolts. So I angled grinded it some. Please suggest anything funny we can do to mock this
hoa isn’t doing anything
lol he concreted it in seriously. Painted the asphalt twice, “reserved”
thinking about adding other signs to the post.
I should probably do the grown up thing and just pull the post out and recycle it, but that’s not as funny
I was thinking repainting it “ micropenis parking only”
View attachment 8406560
Sweet story bro... :rolleyes:
Same building? or building next door?
That might make a difference.
How many residences in that building?
How many curbside parking spaces per 'Unit"?
Letter on hold for now even though inviting him/her/they to the forum to comment is still an good idea.

Man that is some limited parking.
One street spot in front of 22509, one in front of 22511, one in front of 22513, etc.
View attachment 8407056

I’m not on the same block. everyone has a two car garage and there are big lots with 60 places for every other cluster of homes. I’ve never needed to park anywhere but garage (as 85% of other residents). Townhouse was best I could do, gimme a break. Enough bs rules I just have to poke the bear. people who make idle or unenforceable rules deserve to be called out
yes I’m juvenile and a little redneck. Not going to damage his property other than the abandoned unofficial signs on public property or hurt or threaten the little guy that thinks he can boss around the world
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Not to sound like a Karen, but if you and the owner of the sign get into an altercation over this, then it will end up costing you tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees and possibly a criminal conviction. You’re placing yourself at a tremendous legal disadvantage by provoking a situation unnecessarily.
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In Texas, HOA has no authority for street parking at all or anything public. They only oversee homes and private yards. City ordinance covers it.
There is a 99.9% chance that there is a sign ordinance if you live where there is zoning. You cannot just put up any sign you want. Unless he has gone through the proscribed procedure and is permitted this sign is a code violation that can be immediately remedied by calling code enforcement or the building department (whatever it's called in your town). He will be ticketed and ordered to take it down, and he will either comply or it'll escalate from there. Honestly, whatever clever and funny thing you do, it will be less painful for him than sicing the city on him.

Most of the time I think muni ordinances are dumb, but then you see something like this and suddenly see that using stupidity to combat stupidity often works.
I lived on a street where everyone had public street parking and it was always a problem. I'd often have to park half way down the block. It sucked. Then when we sold that house and moved into an apartment, while looking for a new house, we picked an apartment right next to the garage. About a month later they assigned spaces and ours was on a different level about as far from out door as could be. I was very pissed.

Moving into our with an airstrip long driveway and parking for about fifteen cars I could feel the tension in my back melting away...
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Keep a good eye on the weather forecast, and when you see 3-4 days of no rain, smear dog shit all over the sign and it'll be harder for him to clean after it sun bakes on there.
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Personally I'd shit in a bag and the wipe it on his door handles. Man that face when he is driving down the road and sticks his finger up his snout would be classic.
I worked with a guy who like to shit in open flooring glue buckets. He thought it was funny. Not so much when he finally found out why his car smelled like shit after a week in that hot Florida sun.
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If your car got stolen, bad,
If it got towed you could probably just contact the tow company the HOA uses.

I can't read this sign in front of the HOA office but it has a phone number.

Hope the neighbor isn't getting the signs, free, from the HOA and someone keeps stealing them :)
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if you've already concluded this will have no detrimental affects on your ability to find parking for yourself and any visitors, i would ignore it.
maybe his wife demanded it for his mother in law.
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Dang bunch of light weights. Run his obituary in the local paper. List his car for sale cheap on Craigslist and guide them to respond to the marked parking spot. Run an add for free migrant services at his address at hours you know he is home. If he has a lawn area throw a handful of turnip seeds in it and watch it become a lumpy mess that can’t be mowed. I can go on and on.
Dang bunch of light weights. Run his obituary in the local paper. List his car for sale cheap on Craigslist and guide them to respond to the marked parking spot. Run an add for free migrant services at his address at hours you know he is home. If he has a lawn area throw a handful of turnip seeds in it and watch it become a lumpy mess that can’t be mowed. I can go on and on.
Please continue....
Dang bunch of light weights. Run his obituary in the local paper. List his car for sale cheap on Craigslist and guide them to respond to the marked parking spot. Run an add for free migrant services at his address at hours you know he is home. If he has a lawn area throw a handful of turnip seeds in it and watch it become a lumpy mess that can’t be mowed. I can go on and on.
Holy shit, never piss this guy off!