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Never Trumpers and Those Who Don't Like Trump

I voted for Trump and will again, but I never thought electing an emotional blowhard was the wisest move. Actually, I really don't like emotion based decisions.

Not too shabby for an emotional blowhard

I don't think he has ever tried to unite this country
Catering to the insane socialist Marxist left is not how you unite the country.

This is how

I value honesty, civility, and collaborative problem-solving in the politicians I vote for. Who we elect as President is a mirror of who we are as a people. I look in the mirror right now, and I don't like what I see.

You're about 40 years behind.

We're in the fight of our lives for the Republic and diplomacy will not win.
He's mean to people and likes pussy

That sums up about the totality of your argument

Nice try, cupcake. Like I said before, not very smart, but on the other hand, not very entertaining either. Holds a grudge, too. Not a great quality.

Sooooo, are you gonna answer the OP’s question?
I already have. I am happy to vote for him. I think he has bad judgment, has a nasty personality that he can't control, I think he has a very casual relationship with the truth and I think he is morally stunted. That doesn't make him worse than Biden, and it doesn't make me a Never Trumper.
Not a fan of him as a politician. The guy just says a LOOOOT of crap and about 50% of it gets him into trouble. A lot of what he really says is blown way out of proportion by political hacks, but nonetheless. His administration has kept him on the rails thus far and we've seen some pretty good policies over the last few years.

He's been pretty damn terrible on 2A protections. They handed the power to change definitions and effectively write law over to a government agency that has no elected officials or accountability. Pretty shitty precedence to set in my opinion. Also, weren't we promised the Hearing Protection Act?? Unfortunately, the other option is much worse.

All that being said, I find myself defending him more often than not because the attacks on him are just downright disgusting or flat out retarded.

I sure as hell don't want that cackling, power hungry bitch Harris in the whitehouse. We all know Biden won't last a month if he gets in (not that he's much better than Harris in good health)

Didn't vote for Trump in the 2016 primaries, voted for him in 2016, will vote for him in 2020.
Nice try, cupcake. Like I said before, not very smart, but on the other hand, not very entertaining either. Holds a grudge, too. Not a great quality.

Got you dead to rights

There must be something about him that you covet otherwise you wouldn't have spent so much time thinking about him.
Got you dead to rights

There must be something about him that you covet otherwise you wouldn't have spent so much time thinking about him.
Yeah, I mean it's totally weird and deserves an explanation why somebody would spend time thinking about the President of the US you unmitigated fool.
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This thread has taught me:

Civics be hard.
Let me explain for you in simple terms, through a nice story...

A fat ugly girl who smells a bit walks into the room offering blowjobs. There are three responses:

1. You take a blowjob, then you eat her out and tell your friends she was super hot.
2. You think about it a bit, walk over to a dark corner, think about a hot chick while she gets your rocks off, but hell, you don't fuck a face and it is better than a hand, but you know better than to brag about it.
3. You say, well I would never, I prefer nocturnal emission in my spiderman underoos.

You guys are #1, I am #2, Never Trumpers are #3.
I certainly wouldn't call myself a Trump fan, he hasn't really done much as a President, though I will say I do like his foreign policies. I'm not a never trumper, a TDS'er or a Democrat supporter.

I can't vote, as I'm a green card holder (plan on getting citizenship in ~3 years), but I will say that I absolutely would vote for Trump over Biden/Harris this upcoming election if I could. I don't like Biden or Harris, and I really don't like what the Democrats have become, having reinvented themselves as a far left "progressive" party after their last federal loss. I left Canada to come to the US because of Canada's stupid hard left "progressive" bullshit, and that's the last thing I want to see happen in the US.

I'm no fan of Republicans either, but at least right now they don't want to totally reform this country into something that it was never designed to be in the first place, and sadly, into the very country and it's ideals that they escaped with blood through the revolution. It's sad how many don't see or understand the US for what it is and what it was created to be, it's quite beautiful that it was a country created to empower individuals and free them from an oppressive and unrepresented government. It's disappointing that some want to turn the US into a country that it was never designed to be, these "progressives" can take their retarded idealistic views and go elsewhere.

However, I will say that the government in the US has grown very bloated and powerful, and the balance of power has tipped way too far into the hands of the government. They no longer represent the people, they are a very self serving entity. They only care about themselves and their own political party, they've completely forgotten who they work for and what their role is. Personally, I think there needs to be some major reforms. Term limits and campaign finance laws would be really good starters.

The government needs to belong to the people again, the people do not belong to the government.
Honestly, That’s all that counts. I don’t care if people love, like or hate the President as long as they vote for him. The alternative is simply not an option.
Seriously, why somebody would want to banish conservatives for holding their nose and voting trump is beyond me, but it is the road to being a forever rump party.
Well I’m not seeing much of an opposition viewpoint so I’ll bite...

For a little background, I’m traditionally a republican (probably considered a RINO by today’s standards) with libertarian leanings, I don’t care if gays get married, I don’t care if people have abortions, I don’t care if people smoke weed, I think the governments main responsibilities should be national defense, ensuring effective interstate travel and commerce, and protection of American business interests in international trade, all other decisions I believe should be the realm of state and local governments. I understand fully that is not the system we live in and don’t need a lecture on my ideals or values, I offer this here to explain what I’m going to write below, I’m no fan of Biden either and can assure you that creepy joe will not recieve my vote. I’m Just tired of the American political system being broken down into two preselected “choices” that don’t really fit most citizens viewpoints, but we are forced to pick what we view as the lesser of two evils. “Would you prefer to eat cat shit, or dog shit?”

Fiscal responsibility: Current POTUS displays the same disinterest in limiting spending that the previous administration did, there has been no attempt to halt the incredible national debt or the spending deficit. Not all his fault, Congress bears the power of the purse but he has the ability to veto what they choose to do and limit spending, he has not and the deficit has grown. If you ran your household the way our executive and legislative branches run our government, you would be bankrupt, foreclosed, and homeless if not in prison.

draining the swamp: this hasn’t happened, there are still no term limits on congressional seats, I would like to see this be a focus and it hasn’t been. Additionally the FBI, ATF, and any number of other alphabet bureaucracies are still able to write rules that function as laws and have legal and punitive repercussions which don’t have any congressional review, and the heads of these agencies have powers that effect your day to day life far more than most of the shit that gets discussed in the house and senate, yet nobody seems to care. This is a problem for liberty. Most of POTUS’ picks for cabinet positions seem to be major campaign donors with zero experience in the chosen area, maybe that is an attempt to eliminate career bureaucrats but it looks and feels like nepotism. When most of them seem to have no idea what they should be doing, at the very least I would have expected these people to be slashing Over-inflated budgets and they are not. Trump focuses more on “Loyalty” rather than competence,values, or proven effectiveness. I would have no issue with his picks if they were actually cutting budgets and weren’t constantly in the spotlight for illegal or ethically questionable behavior.

foreign policy: I have to say I have enjoyed watching him be tough with China and Iran, but I don’t like negotiating with the Taliban, or his lack of follow up with N Korea, firm commitments in all of these negotiations have not been made or kept, for being such a great negotiator I would have expected a timetable of events and to watch milestones being met, that didn’t happen in either case. I think his tariffs on China were necessary but the tariffs that followed on Europe, Canada, and Mexico could have been handled much more tactfully and with less political fallout with those countries. He alienates allies and has a strange affection for dictators in countries that are traditional rivals or stated enemies, that makes no sense at all to me.

commitment to 2A and other constitutional elements: be truthful with yourself, he doesn’t care about the second amendment beyond getting your vote, he’s not a gun guy in the sense that TR or GWB was or even JFK for that matter, he has set a precedent with banning bumpstocks( I personally feel like they are retarded toys so I don’t need a lecture here either) that can readily be applied to other accessories and grips and stocks and magazines. When he doesn’t have to worry about getting re-elected, I have a sneaking suspicion that weapons bans will be a bargaining chip with the democrats if they maintain or regain control of either house of Congress. Additionally, suppressors are still NFA items, I remember a commitment to action on that front that hasn’t materialized.

Wall:it isn’t finished and it won’t be...we have wasted billions on a fence that will not work, there are other technologies that could have been funded to slow immigration but the funding went to a wall instead. It made for legal fights that won’t be resolved for years to come, which cost the taxpayers more and more money while they are in court. The wall never addressed the issue causing immigration or the caravans, so at best it was going to be a bandaid over an arterial spray. He should push for solving problems not treating the symptoms.

Use of executive orders: I hated Obama’s use of executive orders as I think they are used to govern without the consent of the governed, prime example being FDR, that asshole used executive orders to forever change the American political landscape. so far trump has used almost as many orders in 3 years as Obama did in 8. I didn’t like it under Obie and I don’t like it under trump, consistency in thought, word, and deed are guiding principles of mine, and executive orders are swampy activity. I don’t care what the goal is, I think they defeat the operating principles of our government, on top of that they are weak governance and can be eliminated by the next administration so their utility is only a short term gain.

personality: I don’t like the man. I think he’s a a narcissist and of low intelligence, I’m not sure he CAN read but I’m certain that he doesn’t. He’s catty, jealous, mean spirited, temperamental, impulsive, boisterous and arrogant. He doesn’t give a shit about his family, desecrates the names and memories of people he believes have somehow wronged him. Everybody speaks to his impressive business skills but mostly he succeeded by lying, cheating, grifting and shifty deals. He pits his subordinates against one another seemingly only for his entertainment. He puts way too much faith in conspiracy theories, continuously tweets false information and has zero regard for the first amendment unless it applies to him. He’s clearly cheated on multiple wives with multiple women, maybe Some of you find this acceptable but for a man who claims to adhere to Christian values and seeks the support of the evangelical Christian voter, he blatantly defies most of the teachings of the Bible and traditional Christian values. He waffles on big issues and seesthat as an asset, I see it as someone who can’t make a decision and is easily swayed by public opinion. I wouldnt want him as a neighbor, a business partner, or a father in-law. I have worked for leaders like him before, And I have worked beside leaders like him before, they are sometime effective leaders when fear is employed but normally they drive off good talent with inconsistent directions micromanagement and poor communication skills.

I Biden better? No. Will I vote for him? God no. He’s an empty headed dementia patient and a political shill with bad ideas and a bad history of making the wrong choices. He is at best an example of a career politician who has been in Power for years and his accomplishments have caused more trouble than benefit, he can largely be blamed for the overwhelming incarceration of the black community and has done more to hurt poor people’s chances of working their way to a better life than anyone else who has ever run for office.

so I’m left with three choices, vote for trump (despise as a person and see little redeeming constitutional conservative quality for), vote for Biden (despise as a person, Has views I can not stomach, has been a known bad actor and liar within our political system for decades), or vote for jo Jorgensen ( her name sounds like a bad intercom joke but I like many of her viewpoints and she’s local to me, but i can’t kid myself that I’m Not throwing away my vote if I vote for her, history proves she has about a 3% chance of winning). Im left with no real choices and having to vote based on who will pick Supreme Court judges I MIGHT like.

I get to make the same shitty decision on the state senate level too, I can vote for that limp wristed Flip flopping pantywaist closet dweller Lindsey Graham, or I can vote Jaime Harrison, a socialist who has received most of his funding from an out of state super PAC, meaning out of state funding has been paying for an incessant amount of YouTube, TV, radio, and mail ad campaign in which the man hasn’t committed to a single viewpoint other than healthcare. I find out of state funding for senate candidates to be every bit as constitutionally un-digestible as China or Russia making campaign donations to a presidential candidate but I can vote for one of these ass clowns or Bill Bledsoe, a constitution party candidate running a write in campaign. Fucked out of choices again.

“if voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it”-Samuel Clemens.
Nice circle jerk you have going here.
I'm seriously not trying to sound like a dick here but this thread should really be titled "if your a never Trumper, what are you doing on a gun forum?"

Have you never Trumpers looked at bidens gun control plan on his website. I know all the liberals that have guns always say, all liberal politicians say that stuff but they will never actually do any of that stuff. What they don't realize is every day these liberal politicians write anti gun bills and eventually one of them is going to stick to the Wall. It might not be a big one but they will keep chipping away little by little until we are completely disarmed. That is a fact because people in power are never satisfied with anything, they want more and more.

Politics is simple.
1. Vote for the guy that won't raise your taxes.
2. Vote for the guy that won't take your guns away.
3. Vote for the guy that won't shut down your career.
Can one of you all sister fuckers explain to me what the problem is with being s voter who 1) dislikes Donald Trump and 2) still votes for him?
Then learn to read, this doesn't pertain to you. This is about the people who hate trump and vote for biden......reading is hard sometimes
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Very disappointed in Trump. Hilderbeast still runs free, swamp is bigger than ever--no draining at all, bumpstock ban, no elimination of suppressor from NFA, no attempt on national carry. Will I vote for him again, hell yeah
Heh I joke with the libtards at work. Vote for me. They would beg for the Trump years back...... then again they wouldnt be able to vote for Trump back. They would be rotting in gitmo if I was in charge. But hey! They’ll get to meet obama and hillary!
Let me explain for you in simple terms, through a nice story...

A fat ugly girl who smells a bit walks into the room offering blowjobs. There are three responses:

1. You take a blowjob, then you eat her out and tell your friends she was super hot.
2. You think about it a bit, walk over to a dark corner, think about a hot chick while she gets your rocks off, but hell, you don't fuck a face and it is better than a hand, but you know better than to brag about it.
3. You say, well I would never, I prefer nocturnal emission in my spiderman underoos.

You guys are #1, I am #2, Never Trumpers are #3.

What does me liking fatty love have to do with civics?

Its pretty obvious many ITT have no idea hows laws are made or just want to ignore it to push an agenda.

Interesting comments/language from someone whos main complaint seems to be basically; trump says bad and mean things.

Do as I say, not as I do...typical.
Here is a thread for those who, for whatever reason, don't like President Trump. Never Trumpers, please tell us the reason you don't like President Trump. Those who identify as a Democrat or Independent, please explain why you'd never vote for President Trump in 2020.

This is a serious thread. I'm very interested in exploring your thoughts and reason.

Can you add a poll to the tread with just one question and two possible responses:

Q: Will you be voting for Trump?

A1: Yes
A2: No

That more than anything will tell us about where folks are at (at least where it counts). The rest is just noise at this point, IMO.
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I am a life long Conservative...I was a Libertarian for a year or so out of college...I still identify with them on 'some' things...That said, I DON'T like Trump for a couple of reasons...1. He is 'bombastic'... I believe his Tweets do as much harm as good... 2. I think he is incompetent...For a host of reasons...My son is SAC for the Portland FBI office...He's had to deal with DHS, the mayor, the governor, and LEO departments throughout the state...I won't go into details, he feels the politicians, all of them, are incompetent/. (Not so as far as the LEO departments are concerned.)...As far as Trump's DHS, his 'acting' DHS director is incompetent and a political animal and doesn't know what he's doing...My son is a USMA grad and Army Ranger...His team took 2nd place in "Best Ranger" competition...He's no slouch...He's also a Republican and hates DJT...As to being a 'good' businessman...Anyone that can't take $100 million and turn it into 2 or 3 billion in 45 years is incompetent...LOL However, with all that said, the Alternative IS WORSE...Biden is suffering from, at least, dementia...He will be, if not already, a puppet to his handlers...Bernie Sanders, AOC, Warren, etc...His VP, Kamala, is far left and brings the WORST of California to the office...Why would I take a chance that she would become president??? NO WAY...So, in spite of my dislike of Trump, I will vote for him...For the second time...Oh, I do love the Trump stock market...Although, it took more than Trump to pass the tax cuts...And, MOST importantly, he may well get to nominate another SCOTUS Justice...JSNS, YMMV...
You're about 40 years behind.

We're in the fight of our lives for the Republic and diplomacy will not win.
Call me crazy, or a relic, or naive ... but my vote will never be earned by someone I would not want my grandchildren to listen to or emulate. Truth matters, civility is necessary, and collaboration may be difficult to find right now, but it's out there ... somewhere ... waiting for our country to re-embrace it. Like every politician, some of Trump's policies I love, and some I hate ... I felt the same way about President Obama. Every vote is an exercise in "intellectual" compromise, but it should not be an exercise in "ethical" compromise. But seeing what I've seen and knowing what I know now, voting to reelect President Trump wouldn't be a compromise ... it would be an abdication of everything I believe is necessary to earn the right to lead, and be followed. Honestly, that's just how I roll. I will swallow hard, hope for the best, plan for the worst, and color in the dot next to Biden/Harris on my safe and legal mail-in ballot (dropped off with plenty of time for delivery). Note ... Oregon has been a 100% Vote-By-Mail state for over a decade, and it works extremely well.
Call me crazy, or a relic, or naive ... but my vote will never be earned by someone I would not want my grandchildren to listen to or emulate. Truth matters, civility is necessary, and collaboration may be difficult to find right now, but it's out there ... somewhere ... waiting for our country to re-embrace it. Like every politician, some of Trump's policies I love, and some I hate ... I felt the same way about President Obama. Every vote is an exercise in "intellectual" compromise, but it should not be an exercise in "ethical" compromise. But seeing what I've seen and knowing what I know now, voting to reelect President Trump wouldn't be a compromise ... it would be an abdication of everything I believe is necessary to earn the right to lead, and be followed. Honestly, that's just how I roll. I will swallow hard, hope for the best, plan for the worst, and color in the dot next to Biden/Harris on my safe and legal mail-in ballot (dropped off with plenty of time for delivery). Note ... Oregon has been a 100% Vote-By-Mail state for over a decade, and it works extremely well.
And that mail in vote is precisely why you have the shit political system and useless politicians that are in office in your state today. Take a step back and look around you. A blind man could see this garbage pit. All he has to do is take a breath.
Call me crazy, or a relic, or naive ... but my vote will never be earned by someone I would not want my grandchildren to listen to or emulate. Truth matters, civility is necessary, and collaboration may be difficult to find right now, but it's out there ... somewhere ... waiting for our country to re-embrace it. Like every politician, some of Trump's policies I love, and some I hate ... I felt the same way about President Obama. Every vote is an exercise in "intellectual" compromise, but it should not be an exercise in "ethical" compromise. But seeing what I've seen and knowing what I know now, voting to reelect President Trump wouldn't be a compromise ... it would be an abdication of everything I believe is necessary to earn the right to lead, and be followed. Honestly, that's just how I roll. I will swallow hard, hope for the best, plan for the worst, and color in the dot next to Biden/Harris on my safe and legal mail-in ballot (dropped off with plenty of time for delivery). Note ... Oregon has been a 100% Vote-By-Mail state for over a decade, and it works extremely well.

Good honest post. Tbh, IDK if I would leave my grandchildren alone with Joe. Would need to think long and hard about that one.
Put me in the camp of "I don't have to like him to vote for him", but I also don't care much for the manicured appearance people think the president should have. Obama was very good in front of the teleprompter and had a very diplomatic, manicured demeanor. It was all smoke and mirrors, and he was a terrible president, but the cult of personality folks ate it up. I think Trump can't get out of his own way sometimes, and I wish he'd stop tweeting so much, even though I'll admit I laugh my ass off at the liberal indignation and meltdown they have whenever he fires off a few inflammatory tweets, but I also think a lot of his comments get overblown by the mainstream media, or the propaganda arm of the Dems, as i like to call them, and the never Trumpers will carry that water. I saw a meme recently that sums it up: Trump could cure cancer and the democrats/media would accuse him of putting doctors out of work
Lets see--a guy I don't care for versus a guy who calls me a racist, terrorist, and leads an angry mob that would just assume throw me in a camp for reeducation/execution.

Don't have to be a genius to see while I think Trump is a bully and a blowhard, he isn't running for my spirtual advisor and gets a vote in this house

Plus his 0 Fucks given attitude infuriates the left who have had free pass at their bullcrap for 40+ years. Some of us have been around long enough to remember that Sleepy Joe used to be Copycat Joe. And that sham of a hearing on Clarence Thomas.

I have yet to meet a civil Democrat at the national level. Joe said I wanted to put black people in chains. I took that rather personal. Every presidential Candidate (Republican) since Reagan has been called a racist by a National Level Democrat. It probably happened before, and I was too young to remember. Ted Kennedy Slandered RObert Bork on the Floor of the Senate and used Parlimentary Privledge to get away with it. And the rest went along. Nothing has changed since.

Read the Flight 93 Election Essay. TLDR Version: "I dunno where we are going with trump, but I sure as hell know we are going to crash if I vote for Biden (then Hillary)"
What does me liking fatty love have to do with civics?

Its pretty obvious many ITT have no idea hows laws are made or just want to ignore it to push an agenda.

Interesting comments/language from someone whos main complaint seems to be basically; trump says bad and mean things.

Do as I say, not as I do...typical.

Was just thinking the same thing.

Also wondering about those that disdain President Trump so much (but will vote for him), are you forming your opinions based on personal knowledge? Or knowledge gained through the medias portrayal of President Trump. Some of the stuff I've read makes me think some of you must know the man personally.
Was just thinking the same thing.

Also wondering about those that disdain President Trump so much (but will vote for him), are you forming your opinions based on personal knowledge? Or knowledge gained through the medias portrayal of President Trump. Some of the stuff I've read makes me think some of you must know the man personally.

I know a few people who know him and his family personally. Their opinions are quite different from the people who base their opinions on his tweets and what the media spouts.

for anyone who says he’s not intelligent and that anyone can turn 1mil loan in to billions. A simple question. Why haven’t you done it?
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There are a couple things he's done that I'm not fond of, but knowing how he's does things the comment of "First we take the guns, due process later" I can see being a troll. The push for bump stocks getting banned could turn out good over time with the lawsuits. I'm not sure that was intended or not.

I know the ruling class absolutely hates him... and that makes me happy.
Good honest post. Tbh, IDK if I would leave my grandchildren alone with Joe. Would need to think long and hard about that one.
I wouldn't leave my grandkids with any politician, but at least I'd be OK letting them watch him on televison. I get it ... he's a little "creepy". It's a shame that the negative personal traits and characteristics it takes to win a Presidential election ... will ensure the "right person" is never President.
I wouldn't leave my grandkids with any politician, but at least I'd be OK letting them watch him on televison. I get it ... he's a little "creepy". It's a shame that the negative personal traits and characteristics it takes to win a Presidential election ... will ensure the "right person" is never President.

Agree but, Hmm. A little creepy? More than a little IYAM. But dont worry, you will not see much about it in the MSM...so, out of sight out of mind.

But hey, I get it. Trumps words offend you.
And that mail in vote is precisely why you have the shit political system and useless politicians that are in office in your state today. Take a step back and look around you. A blind man could see this garbage pit. All he has to do is take a breath.
So true. It's an awful place. Those of us that live here and love it ... are hoping nobody else moves here. We should "build a wall" to protect the rest of the country from this hell-hole of radical left-wing violence and despair. BTW ... I live in Central Oregon (Bend) where 75% of the houses have Trump signs on the lawn, and where we have the best shooting ranges in the western US (and very free gun ownership laws). I love it here.
so there are 2 aspect to this....Trump the person...and Trump the President.

the problem is, people cannot seem to separate the 2.

Trump the person is probably not a guy i would want to hang out with.....he is....at the end of the day, the quintessential NYC businessman......hes brash, bodacious, and has a bit of an ego.

the thing is......all of those qualities that make him someone i wouldnt grab a beer with.....are actually qualities that make him rather well suited to run a country.

this is thing with Obama.....i heard a lot of people go "well i could see myself grabbing a beer with him"....so what?....who cares?......just because someone makes a good drinking buddy that makes them qualified to run the free world?

im never going to be in a scenario where im going to the pub with the president....so why do i care if i personally like him or not?

i want someone who is best qualified to make decisions....make deals.....know how to best excert his force for the betterment of the people hes representing.....and honestly, who better than a NYC business man to do that?

so no, i dont like Mr. Trump......but i do like Pres. Trump.