New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: excaliber</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Hey Noel Carlson, why do you think this is a joke. What makes everybody think it won`t work. If the barrel has the right twist, why wouldn`t it stabilze. Everybody is saying too much bearing surface <span style="font-weight: bold"><span style="color: #CC0000">but yet nobody knows how much it has besides me</span></span>. Why do you call it an abomination? What`s wrong with experimenting? </div></div>

Note the red. I recall others on this forum Photoshop-ing images to obscure details.

excaliber - does your projectile have any "bands"? If so, please - type, how many, and where are they located?

Thank you.
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

I want everybody to know that I DID NOT make this bullet. As I said in my first post, a friend did. As soon as I seen it, I told him to go back to the drawing board. He insists that it would fly. No testing has been done yet. But if he comes up with a bullet that works, I will keep everyone posted. I didn`t put this on here to get anybody hurt. Actually I think it`s kind of funny. Some designs work, some don`t. If he never makes another bullet, big deal, it was fun to talk about.
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

"It was fun to talk about."...

... And instructive.

My only apprehension entered when there was mention of sending this around for actual testing by third parties.

I appreciate your role in this as gadfly. It does no harm to get people thinking Excalibur.
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

Oh heck I cant leave it alone.
I love it when called by name!!!
You are talking about a thing that NO BODY here has a drawing or spec of except the one who posted it.
I can do a lot of bench talk from a picture also.
And if it is made of play dough it will come in at x weight.
Is it solid? Hollow? What is the core made of?
And as far as bearing surface. I can not see .005 a side difference
in 1" by eye from a dang picture.
For all I know it is 750gr with same bearing surface as a hornady. I aint put a micrometer on it in my own hands so I Dont know shit for sure about ANYTHING.
I never work with assumptions. Unless I know it as a fact anything could be true, and I stake nothing that I cant live without on something I dont have in my own hands!
Thank you for the info that neither you or I have on hand about this, and telling me how stupid and dangerous this is.
Noel Carlson ( forgot to mention your name at the top of the post).
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

Problem solved?
Is that all you have? play dough or hollow?
Damn Sir when I ask about REAL numbers, Not sitting around with a set of calipers and a computer screen this is what I get???
MOJO be damned I have seen more than one toolmaker make a big money engineer look like a total dumbass for saying he could not do THAT!
Slide rules and computers didnt save their asses.
Aint but a inch of difference between a toolmaker and a gunsmith!!!
The man that started this is a GUNSMITH .
For all we know the testing he said they were doing has changed the projectile in 100 ways and he is cutting a special chamber for it. But once again WE DONT KNOW.
I wont lose any sleep over this as I have been wrong before.
And will be again. For those that have never been wrong in their lives all I can say is try warm milk.
I aint saying your math is wrong.
Just never bet against another mans card trick. ( You will lose every time ).I will keep playing the safe money and ask for them to show me when it gets done and go from there.
Its been fun but I need some sleep.
I hope you are not lactose intolerant Sir!!!
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

With all due respect sir, from reading your past few posts, it is apparently obvious you have a lack of understanding when it comes to internal or external ballistics. It seems to me you may be discounting how much Noel actually knows on this subject, or on this project. I have been in contact with Mr. Vestal, and his asscociate since when he first posted this. Sometimes its better not to open your mouth,and well look like an "asshole" as you so eloquently posted a few days ago. Not trying to be disrespectful sir, just calling it how I see it.
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

There may be gunsmiths that are good machinists but there is more than an inch of difference between the two.
An Enco lathe and Brownells catalog doesn't always make a machinist.
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

I may know more than you think on this. As I have had this thing in my hands. Are there issues with it? Yes. But to go apeshit and tell everyone how stupid they are is asking for someone to play devils advocate and push their buttons. I have asked if anyone has the specs for it. So far only one has,and he aint giving them out Here.
I have never said Noel's numbers were not right.
Just that he was working from a picture on a screen. So what is it that he knows for a FACT? I dont use pictures as facts!!!!
If you want me to back up show me some numbers, till then I dont care how smart you are it is still bench talk.
I aint called anyone an asshole yet, Just tryin to keep them from looking like one.
Numbers never lie and I like Noel for the things he knows! And would want him on my team if I were making up a wildcat round.
So aint nothing personal by any means on my side.
One thing I have found here is when you ask a hard question folks fall apart! Backing up what they think! Not what they Know! And how can they know anything if they never had it in hand?
Yes you can get close but aint that what everyone is busting on the original post for? What they think it is?
Once again I may know more about this than YOU think!
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?


I hope that you did not read my remarks as calling *someone* stupid. It was the idea behind the "bullet", and it's possible use, that I was referring to.

I do not consider myself stupid, however; I am the not-so-proud owner of a multitude of stupid ideas. The challenge in life is to prevent the materialization of those ideas to the best of my ability.

The photographer in question represents a stupid idea. It may be intentionally misleading, but that is the basis for which Excalibur was soliciting feedback. If it was not a joke, then I am glad that he asked for opinions.

Thankyou for the compliment.
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

I would be very careful with this projectile. There is going to be a LOT of pressure. This type of stuff is tested remotely in a pressure fixture in a test box. I agree with Noel on this one. I am guessing around 1000-1050 gr and about 2400fps. The pressure will probably be around 85,000+psi. I am only guessing on these figures. Play very safely with this one.
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

Your Welcome.
And please take it as that. Because that is how it was meant.
I saw the post the day it hit,and was in the shop the next.
I can say only this, I have known the man all my life and he would never do anything to hurt anyone!
What I was prodding folks for was not having the Real numbers on this thing and getting their blood up over it.
This round as far as I know aint gonna see a barrel ever!
It was a one off idea buy a shooter that got shot down as soon as it was checked out. And that much has been said.
But I know the (why not) thinking as I suffer from that myself.
Good day to you Sir.
Re: New 2 Mile 50 cal bullet?

As was I Sir!
Hell I like those that want to fight more than the sheep! I back up my thoughts as you also do, so I like the way you work.If I'am wrong I will say it as such , but all I ask is for the those that dont have the facts to step back and ask the right questions.
You have not been given enough info and have been working from the pic,s on the post.
I have not mic'ed this thing but as excalibere said it was an experimental round and it is! If you go back on the thread you will see him asking if I want to shoot this in the rifle I'am building.
And I back out on it as he knew I would.
Can this thing work? I will not say no. As I have seen other things I thought were figgin nuts work. As is I have to back up the original post and say back to the drawing board!