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New 4473 and gender dysphoria


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
  • Aug 9, 2018
    New hampshire
    The new 4473 is going to have 3 selections under sex now. Male female and non-binary. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t there an actual diagnosis in the dsm5 calling gender dysphoria a mental disorder? Not to mention imo selecting anything other than what your sex is from birth is lying on a government form. If anything other than the persons actual sex is chosen shouldn’t they be denied the purchase? How many shops are going to be sued for following the actual rules and refusing sales to people who lie/show mental defect on the forms? Corrections or enlightenment fully welcome
    They can't call you an angry white man if you identify as fluid.... that would be wrong and they would be breaking their own SJW dogma.....
    I mean using the "wrong" pronouns now gets you fired....

    Some angry racially fluid gender neutral.... just doesn't work for their shock value headlines the same way
    Just wait until they start allowing "non-binary" as a gender choice on passports, or change the national anthem to be more gender neutral and inclusive.

    All great things being done in the "great" white North :cautious:
    I love how on the 4473 form it clearly asks if you have ever been committed to a mental institute. I couldn't care less what anyone's sexual fetish is, but when you are a man and you honestly believe you're a woman, that's a mental illness in my eyes. You know what's gonna be even more fucked up is when these sick fucks start with the age dysphoria and start molesting kids and use the excuse that they identify as a 10 year old. As a Libertarian I try and be open mined regardless of how goofy something is, but this is a problem that needs to be purged ASAP!
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    Hmmm, I wonder if that new entry on the 4473 could be used to infer that someone has a mental illness?

    As my attorney wife pointed out when we were discussing this at breakfast, having signs of mental illness and being adjudicated mental incompetent are two different things. Her point was that under a strict interpretation someone like my Vietnam vet father (who has been on anti depressants in the past) would also be prohibited from buying firearms.
    As my attorney wife pointed out when we were discussing this at breakfast, having signs of mental illness and being adjudicated mental incompetent are two different things. Her point was that under a strict interpretation someone like my Vietnam vet father (who has been on anti depressants in the past) would also be prohibited from buying firearms.
    I would think there is a difference between being treated for varying levels of depression vs having a mental disorder that makes you think/believe you are the opposite gender born in the incorrect body. Depression doesn’t come with a constant delirium.
    I am not a lawyer or mental health professional so I could be wrong.
    I am too lazy to google it, but I am pretty sure the left lobbied to have gender dysphoria REMOVED from the official mental disorder diagnosis list. This condition is now considered normal and you as a subject of the left must agree.
    The new 4473 is going to have 3 selections under sex now. Male female and non-binary. Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t there an actual diagnosis in the dsm5 calling gender dysphoria a mental disorder? Not to mention imo selecting anything other than what your sex is from birth is lying on a government form. If anything other than the persons actual sex is chosen shouldn’t they be denied the purchase? How many shops are going to be sued for following the actual rules and refusing sales to people who lie/show mental defect on the forms? Corrections or enlightenment fully welcome
    You are 100% correct on the DSM5, it IS a mental disorder.