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'Non-binary' as gender choice on new ATF form 4473

It's being done for purely political reasons- some anti-American with a title at the BATFe is justifying "its" own existence by pushing for these types of changes. Political correctness is weaponized and has been for a long time.
Well to be fair to everybody that box is no longer needed on the form. I would suggest not having it all on the form. Having non-binary on there makes that whole point irrelevant. Can you imagine having a non binary person on the 10 Most Wanted. Will Wilma Wilmonson, a black non binary person, matching a male during birth assignment is wanted for suspected aggravated rape of several people matching female during birth assignment...blah blah blah.
Despite a few hundred 45acp, about a hundred 9mm and a few hundred 22lr, so far I've been non-binary. But I do have some binary and just might make some real racket here shortly. Guy up the rd better put some prosaic in the water to his chicken houses, cause things might get stressful.
Non-binary answer = Mental instability and or illness.
Severe suicide risk at best.
Another statistic for the leftists to tout.
Grounds for denial. Nom binary = admission of mental illness.

Is there a section for Hunter to skirt his coke habit on the new form? Oh wait... it’s ok. He is elite. No rules for that dude.

Look at the shapes......

If there's going to be a "Binary" choice, wouldn't they need a picture on the form? I mean, if you don't identify as male or female, they'd just be guessing, when they come to arrest you, right?
Or, is this one way to make sure everyone has a pic on top of the new Form 4473?
Does it start new members at the beginning? Why are they always the ones to revive old threads?

On another note how many would check that box if your approval letter came back sooner??