I finally ponied up and got myself an all-matching K98k! Early laminate stock (flat butt plate), "byf" (Mauser Oberndorf) from 1941, about 11,000 into that year's production. Neat to see the level of attention given to the pre war and early war German stuff. S/42 1936 (also Mauser Oberndorf) Luger tossed in for the picture. I think 1942 was the real turning point when quality started down hill fast. I have a post-war czech rebuild made with late-war (1944/1945) parts from the BRNO factory that's a rough rattle trap next to these early guns. Even so, much better than the last-ditch Type 99's I've seen and owned
. I've been looking for a few months now and was hoping to find one in the 1935-1939 range with a walnut stock but thew few that popped up were ungodly expensive and/or in rough or dicked with condition. Pretty impressed with this one overall.
Matching #'s on action screws...
Matching #'s on action screws...