New video is up featuring the AGM Rattler TS50-640 Long-Range Thermal scope. This is just a video of looking around through it around the house. This scope has a 2,500 yard detection range, but it picked up the heat signature of a passenger jet from God knows how far away (as you'll see in the video below). I know it was so far the lights were barely visible to the naked eye. I'm impressed so far.
Next video will be at the range while sighting it in on my 16" @christensenarms MPR 6mm ARC.
This is an open thread, feel free to post up your Rattler and kills, and openly discuss and ask questions.

Next video will be at the range while sighting it in on my 16" @christensenarms MPR 6mm ARC.
This is an open thread, feel free to post up your Rattler and kills, and openly discuss and ask questions.