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Gunsmithing New Barrel Installation - Please Help!


Gunny Sergeant
Full Member
Jun 9, 2012
Columbia, MO
I have just acquired a 20" bull barrel that came on a Tactical Operations Echo 51.

I have two Remington 700s in 308 that have had the actions blueprinted, but both are lacking in the barrel department.

I am wondering what must be done to install my new barrel on one of my Rem 700s? The ad for the barrel said, "it is chambered in .308 and made to fit a remington 700 action."

What must I do? Can I do it myself? If not, how much should I expect to pay? I have heard something about headspacing (please forgive my knowledge gap), but I don't know what that entails or if I can do it on my own.

Thank you for your help and patience with me,

Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

Buddy, if you dont know what head spacing is (not trying to be a dick) then you should find a qualified smith and let them do it. There are tools, and machines you need, which you prob dont have. There is alot more than threading a barrel, and screwing it into the receiver. I see that you are new on here. Take your time, look around the forum and I guarantee you that you will learn alot of shit..
Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

If it was a savage I would say go for it. Being a remmy, I would say find a smith that will teach you or just pay him and be done with it. Probable less then 3 hundred if the he needs to ream.
Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

FWIW, I had a custom 308 rifle built. The company botched my shit up bad!! I had to take it to another smith. The Head Space was out of spec, there was epoxy on the barrel lug, the face of the receiver had .008 of run out, the chamber was "rough". So to fix all of this and test fire, I was in about $250.00
Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!


Thanks for the help. From the sounds of it, its not as easy as I'd have hoped.

I have some machining experience, and have access to a full service CNC machine shop. I just don't have much experience with gunsmithing on rifles. Doesn't sound like I'm going to try and to this one myself.

Maybe I'll just get rid of one of my 308s as well as the barrel, and start over fresh with something new. Good gunsmiths seem to be hard to come by here in Utah, and from your experience, I don't want to get screwed over by a botched job!

Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

Most likely the threads will have to be cut off and recut in addition to having the chamber redone. The reason I say that is if your threads were cut when your receivers were trued they might be 1.065 to 1.075"+. If the barrel is threaded for a standard Remington thread size (1.062)then the barrel shank will be undersize. It could be close enough to work and it could be .010"+ off. A gunsmith would be the best person to figure that out for you if you don't have the tools/knowledge to do it yourself.

You might try Deadly Precision Gunsmithing. He's in Utah.
Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

where are you at in UT, I am in logan and can recommend at least 3 very competent local gunsmiths. I'n not sure about the SLC valley but i know of a few shooters down there and they could probably point you in the right direction.
Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

Thanks for all the help and suggestions so far. I am aware that i am unable to do this job on my own and am now in search of a good gunsmith (locally preferred).I live right in the middle of salt lake city eznutz.

In addition to that, and for my personal curiosity and knowledge development, I'd really like to know what goes into chambering and headspacing a barrel. I know I can do it myself, but I'd like to know what I'm paying for...
Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

There are several way to chamber a gun so I'll give you a run down on how I do it. Right or wrong to some, it's what I do.

I chamber in the headstock (through the spindle bore) of the lathe with a spider on the back side so the barrel doesn't whip around. The first step is to dial in the barrel so the bore is running true. There are several ways to do this and it can be somewhat time consuming depending on the 'smiths personal tolerance. I have used range rods (considerably faster) and a inside dial indicator for the chamber end. I've done everything from dialing the outside of the barrel to range rods to a inside indicator on the muzzle end. You work back and forth until you reach your acceptable tolerance for bore trueness. Then I start by cutting the shank where the threads will be cut and then cut the threads. If it's a Remington then I cut the bolt nose recess. Once the action screws on with acceptable clearance on the bolt you can start chambering. I usually cut the whole chamber with the reamer. When I start off I usually cut .200-.250" and then cut progressively less until I'm down to .050-.075" near the end. The final passes depend on where your headspace is. On belted magnums I can usually get within .005-.010" of proper headspace just but measure how far I continue to cut past where the reamer starts cutting the belt in the chamber. Sometimes you get it right with one pass and sometimes it takes two or more to get the proper headspace from there. I don't have a coolant flush system so I have to remove the reamer between each cut, clean it, clean the chamber, and re-oil the reamer. Depending on the chamber (case size to bore and length of the case) it can take as little as 20 minutes (.30 BR) and as long as 2+ hours (.300 RUM/.30-378) to cut the chamber. I typically polish my chambers with 1200 grit paper but it's not really needed with a good reamer.
Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: reximus</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'd really like to know what goes into chambering and headspacing a barrel. I know I can do it myself, but I'd like to know what I'm paying for... </div></div>

For a good start, watch Ozzy's videos...

Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

Just did a savage build and when I was looking for barrel selection there was a few barrel companys that may help you with a instalation. Some were as low as 50.
Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!


If you want me to dig around i can see what i can find as far as a gun smith in slc. PM me if you want me to dig around or if you want to work on it yourself.

good luck
Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!


I think I found a guy I'm happy to work with so far. Ernie at Red Creek Tactical. I went down to his place in Am. Fork yesterday, and he was a great, upstanding, and helpful guy.

He seems very capable so far in helping me out with my needs and seems to know a lot. He threaded a barrel and installed a break for me (in addition to a black Cerakote). It looks great. He says that he can install my new barrel if I decide to go that route.

Thanks for offering so much help!

Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

IdahoCTD and 2156SMK,

Thanks for all the info! It seems to help a lot in understanding how much really goes into making a great precision rifle - and this is only one seemingly small thing!

I'll have to digest it all to really get a good appreciation for the meticulous life of a true smith!

Re: New Barrel Installation - Please Help!

I ended up getting rid of the barrel along with the hopes for rebarreling (for now). I'll save the process for my first 'from the ground up' rifle build.

Thanks again for shedding light onto the chambering/barrel installation process. I continue to learn a lot on here!