Got our first shipment of Boomslang lenses in Friday.
I've been saving two tubes that were nearly identical specifically for testing these lenses. We installed them in PVS14s for this test.
Data on the tubes-
*System 0321966 has a resolution of 76, SN of 32.2 and Ebi of 1.36 A standard Carson kit with "Carson" (Fujinon) glass was used
*System 0321967 has a resolution of 76, SN of 32.2 and Ebi of 1.44 A standard Carson kit was used however the "Carson" glass was removed and Boomslang lenses were used (Obj & Eyepiece)
Both tubes are Elbit Systems of America VH grade WP 11769 format.
How we did the testing-
We started with a measured distance from similar objects. At our range we put two exact same size target backers the exact distance from each other.

We measured to be sure each backer was the same distance from each other on the target racks.
We then set up two shooting tripods and again measured to be sure the distance was the same from each target backer to the tripod where the 14s would be placed.

So the idea was to compare two almost identical tubes at the same exact distance from the target backers which were checked to be sure they were the same distance apart.

Shows the two tripods in place and waiting for the sun to go down.....
We put paper targets on each backer (backers were used recently for a class and we didn't want any confusion) and marked each target with a number- 1 through 4. This was done in pair via lining one tripod up with the center of targets 1 and 2 and the other tripod lined up with the targets marked 3 and 4.
NOTE- our PVS14 to Iphone camera adapter evidently broke recently, I was able to hold the camera adapter and Iphone up to the eyepiece, any distortion of the normal circular view is ME trying to hold it up and get a good pic.
First up is the PVS14 with standard PVS14 "Carson" glass-

Next is the PVS14 with the Boomslang 50 degree FOV lenses-

Next we moved the PVS14 with the Boomsland 50 degree FOV lenses to the tripod that held the regular 14- which previously was centered on targets marked 3 and 4

The above pic is a better representation than the first pic, again due to ME holding the camera adapter up to the eyepiece.
We then placed each unit on the same tripod individually. Looking back towards the back of the square range area, I tried to place the right edge of the FOV of each lens on the front tire of the Ranger for a better idea of how the view opens up at a little more distance. This is roughly 25 yards.
First the PVS14 with standard lenses-

Next the PVS14 with the Boomslang lenses with the same angle, same tripod facing the Ranger

Spent another 20-30 minutes walking around the range with the PVS14 with the Boomslang lenses.
I will be adding these lenses to a couple of my personal dual tube sets also, will report back more after using them more in duals.
We will make these an add on feature to any PVS14 or dual tube set we offer in the near future. Cost is close to $1,000. for a set of Obj/Eyepiece lenses. Will have some available for sale to DIY'ers also.