Cool. Any idea when the new bullets will make it into the profile loader? I just downloaded and installed v74, and it still doesn't have the 130 RDF. In some ways its moot, since the Garmin update loaded them into the 701. But it'd be nice to generate the profile from the loader (just more user friendly U/I).
Also noticed that, renaming an existing profile in the PL causes it to crash (repeatable bug). As in, select imported profile from the Garmin, import, then select that profile, then highlight the name at the top, retype it, and hit save profile. PL just crashes. Had to load saved profile and basically clone it out with a new name to get the name to change (which is weird because I changed the name on the device before importing it, but it still imported as "New3", the original name on the Garmin...even when the Garmin displayed the profile as "77Valk").