New GAP Extreme Hunter in 6.5 SAUM

.126 in group with 140 hybrids @ 100 yds

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Not to get too off topic, and first I'll say I have never owned this type of trimmer. ..... everything I measure off of has the case head as the datum. Oal, setback, case length. And these trimmers now just go off the shoulder?? Interested to hear good data on case to case on how well they mic out? But looks like the ticket for 223 and 308 range brass!

And back to the 6.5 got the call my Barreled action is ready to go from GAP! Hope to have it in the next week or so. Still need to finish my stock. And find some bullets. I have about 50 or so of the target 130s. Anybody have a line on some in stock 130 hunting vlds? Or 140?
First go round...

Well I picked up a used 6.5 saum the other day. I went ahead and made up 5 pieces of brass from remington 7 saum last night, just to check out my process. I sized with .295 bushing, expanded in my sinclair expander die with the .264 expander mandrel, set my sinclair neck turning tool to .015 with a gap gauge, and turned the necks. I used the dry neck lube with application media through the whole process.

After turning, my neck thickness micrometer showed .0145 for neck thickness on both sides. I went ahead and sized with a .291 bushing, measured the neck at .291, and then seated a 140 vld. My loaded neck diameter came out to .295. That is .004 neck tension, more than I have ever run on anything. Is that excessive, or should I be alright? I am contemplating turning another .0005 off to bring the loaded neck diamter to .294 and .003 tension. I like that tension number a little better and It would give me a little over .001 clearance on each side in the chamber.

Yes, no, ideas, suggestions?

I did load and shoot 3 roads just to check function. Brass looked great after, and a bullet would go back through the fired case. So it would appear that I have enough clearance in the chamber.
I took the plunge today and placed my order for the extreme hunter. I am so excited!!!! but now the waiting game begins. I was told 6 months or just under. I also picked up the Redding dies from them too and a few pieces of sized brass. I hope to find some more brass so I can learn this whole process of necking down the brass. I have not seen powder forever around here. Besides h-1000 and Retumbo from what I have read through here what else should I keep a eye out for that you guys and gals have had success with???
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I took the plunge today and placed my order for the extreme hunter. I am so excited!!!! but now the waiting game begins. I was told 6 months or just under. I also picked up the Redding dies from them too and a few pieces of sized brass. I hope to find some more brass so I can learn this whole process of necking down the brass. I have not seen powder forever around here. Besides h-1000 and Retumbo from what I have read through here what else should I keep a eye out for that you guys and gals have had success with???

Ramshot Magnum
Just got this one back!

Pierce titanium Sa
24" #4 Brux 8.5 twist (ordered a #3 but was shipped a #4) I didn't notice when I dropped it off at the smith!
McMillan gamescout with edge package. Hydro dipped Kuiu Vias
Shilen trigger
Talley LW rings
Cerakoted charcoal (50/50 mix of two colors)
Huskemaw 4-16x42 scope
Weight as shown 7lbs 10 ounce, would have been 1/2 lb lighter with a #3 bbl. still a sweet carrying weight.
Smith work done by Cloud Peak Gunworks, bedding by me.
7 rounds fired so far. Will start shooting groups this week.


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I just got my action (Defiance Deviant) for A 6.5 SAUM build and I am trying to make sure i get the right reamer from ptg for the newest GA precision spec neck turn reamer with the shorter throat and the one I found on there sight says 6.5 GAP 4S finisher with .2962 nk product #153943. is this the right Reamer?
Not correct at all. Be very Carefull calling PTG, Dave makes alot of reamers and cannot easily keep track of who is using what.
Reamer we use has a .296 nk and .081FB print# is 50645 at PTG

I had Dave also make us a reamer with a .298 Neck for (NoTurn application) Print# 54006 Because some guys would not want to mess with turning the runout off. it also has .081 FB

These are the only 2 reamers we have!!

Those are the only 2 reamers we use.

There is a shorter version of the reamer out there with a .043" shorter body that someone used our spec as a baseline. make sure you have one of the above reamers with the correct SAUM/GAP 4s Head space gauge

Originally posted on 06-21-2013 page 7 post #306. I'd bet the FB dimension is the difference but I'm sure he will tell us.
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Just got this one back!

Pierce titanium Sa
24" #4 Brux 8.5 twist (ordered a #3 but was shipped a #4) I didn't notice when I dropped it off at the smith!
McMillan gamescout with edge package. Hydro dipped Kuiu Vias
Shilen trigger
Talley LW rings
Cerakoted charcoal (50/50 mix of two colors)
Huskemaw 4-16x42 scope
Weight as shown 7lbs 10 ounce, would have been 1/2 lb lighter with a #3 bbl. still a sweet carrying weight.
Smith work done by Cloud Peak Gunworks, bedding by me.
7 rounds fired so far. Will start shooting groups this week.

Nice looking lefty....really like that vias camo...
Just got this one back!

Pierce titanium Sa
24" #4 Brux 8.5 twist (ordered a #3 but was shipped a #4) I didn't notice when I dropped it off at the smith!
McMillan gamescout with edge package. Hydro dipped Kuiu Vias
Shilen trigger
Talley LW rings
Cerakoted charcoal (50/50 mix of two colors)
Huskemaw 4-16x42 scope
Weight as shown 7lbs 10 ounce, would have been 1/2 lb lighter with a #3 bbl. still a sweet carrying weight.
Smith work done by Cloud Peak Gunworks, bedding by me.
7 rounds fired so far. Will start shooting groups this week.

That is a great looking build. #4 Brux is the same as a #3 Bartlein other than the 1.250 shank. I was going to get a #3 but decided on a #4, for a little more diameter for the brake.
Just got this one back!

Pierce titanium Sa
24" #4 Brux 8.5 twist (ordered a #3 but was shipped a #4) I didn't notice when I dropped it off at the smith!
McMillan gamescout with edge package. Hydro dipped Kuiu Vias
Shilen trigger
Talley LW rings
Cerakoted charcoal (50/50 mix of two colors)
Huskemaw 4-16x42 scope
Weight as shown 7lbs 10 ounce, would have been 1/2 lb lighter with a #3 bbl. still a sweet carrying weight.
Smith work done by Cloud Peak Gunworks, bedding by me.
7 rounds fired so far. Will start shooting groups this week.

Where did you get the hydrodipping done? What did it cost?
George what's the difference between that print and print #50645?

Print #37882 had 2-3 different revisions and guys were getting the wrong reamer, so at My request Dave re-numbered the reamer Print to stop the confusion.

No difference other than #50645 has only one version without revision.
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Thats a really nice rifle!

Got the new GAP Extreme Hunter in 6.5 SAUM !

GA Precision Extreme Hunter
6.5 SAUM

Templar Extreme Hunter action
Bartlein 8.7 twist, fluted barrel @ 24”
Vias brake
Manners 100% Carbon Fiber SL stock
APA bottom metal
Jewell HVR trigger
Talley LW rings
NF 2.5-10x32 scope

GAP Extreme Hunter

here is George, Pat and mine in background. First 3 built in the new Extreme Hunter series.




These rifles are stupid accurate. Been incredibly impressed so far.

Zero'd at 200 and tested out to 839 yards this weekend at the Icebreaker III shoot. About 50 rounds downrange so far.

Cinch was spotting and I had first round hits at 509, 710, and 839 yards. The 140's and 130's are both very impressive.
15.2 MOA at 839 with the 140 AMAX.

will post more results soon. Gonna be very impressive platform !!
#50645 had 2-3 different revisions and guys were getting the wrong reamer. so at My request Dave re-numbered the reamer Print to stop the confusion.

No difference other than 37882 has only one version

Holy Crap!! I bought the 50645 reamer in January, (date on the print is 12/29/11) my barrel is getting ready to be chambered and now come to find out there are several versions! WTF! George how in the he'll do I know I've got that right one!!!
Holy Crap!! I bought the 50645 reamer in January, (date on the print is 12/29/11) my barrel is getting ready to be chambered and now come to find out there are several versions! WTF! George how in the he'll do I know I've got that right one!!!

Call Dave Kiff, he knows when the changes were made.

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check your reamer print. If it has the .2962nk and .081" freebore that should be the correct and current gap 4s reamer. George correct me if I'm wrong here....
Holy Crap!! I bought the 50645 reamer in January, (date on the print is 12/29/11) my barrel is getting ready to be chambered and now come to find out there are several versions! WTF! George how in the he'll do I know I've got that right one!!!

I had it backwards, 50645 is the correct reamer. Im confusing myself. Might I make a Point all the reamers are good, Pat, Scott and I are still all running the original reamer. The new reamer just has a couple small refinements to make it more universal.
Hmmm.............this is the reamer I got in December. Not sure what the "wrong reamer" is but I hope I got the right one.

Should be the correct one, the changes were made in Early 2013. That Original Reamer was made in 2011. too my knowledge only myself and a couple others ever received those reamers.
Well, fedex just dropped this off! Quick specs is GAP did the work. Its a stiller predator action, 6.5 4S of course, #3 Bartlien in the original specs, 24 inches, went with the vias. Looks so lonely in the box, I'll get it built up with proper photos and a range report. Pretty excited, and completely worthless at work at the moment!

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Well, fedex just dropped this off! Quick specs is GAP did the work. Its a stiller predator action, 6.5 4S of course, #3 Bartlien in the original specs, 24 inches, went with the vias. Looks so lonely in the box, I'll get it built up with proper photos and a range report. Pretty excited, and completely worthless at work at the moment!

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Nice!! The bolt is even on the right side
Does anyone have any feedback on the Whidden 6.5 SAUM die set?

Papa, I picked a set up....did some resizing and loading with my redding and whidden, then headed to range...rifle and targets did not seem to know the difference which die set was used...

Never used whidden before till now, but I like the dial on the whidden better for dialing in my coal, it's much smoother and seems like I can adjust seating depth a little better then the redding,,,I am no expert on loading but other then that, kinda of the same for me.
I had it backwards, 50645 is the correct reamer. Im confusing myself. Might I make a Point all the reamers are good, Pat, Scott and I are still all running the original reamer. The new reamer just has a couple small refinements to make it more universal.
Well I contacted PT&G today, Dave was out the rest of the week so I had Tamara send me a copy of print 37882 (rev A 12/19/11) so I could compare it to 50645 (rev B 12/29/11). There are some very subtle changes as you stated so I took both prints to my smith and he confirms your statement in the while both are very very close to say the least and would perform without issues and is very excited about getting this switch barrel project together, he likes the Body and Datum spec's better of the 50645 print, just an opinion that's all for the brass.
So thank you George for chiming in for the clarification, I really appreciate it! Hopefully I will have it by mid next month.
Well, fedex just dropped this off! Quick specs is GAP did the work. Its a stiller predator action, 6.5 4S of course, #3 Bartlien in the original specs, 24 inches, went with the vias. Looks so lonely in the box, I'll get it built up with proper photos and a range report. Pretty excited, and completely worthless at work at the moment!

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Gongrats, look forward to seeing the completed project.