'new' Gladius


Beach Bum
Full Member
Jan 9, 2009
Edit...I didn't read the new group shot policy until now...looks like I need to shoot some more!

I got to go shoot my gun broker Gladius the other day. When the rifle came in it looked good, but the barrel was fairly copper fouled. I cleaned it up and got the copper out...figured since it had already been shot (10x according to the seller) I wouldn't do a normal break in. I loaded up 5 rounds of FGMM 168's and <span style="text-decoration: line-through">shot the group below</span> the rifle performed as GAP said it would. I didn't shoot anymore 'match' ammo as it got dark quick and I was seeing how other ammo performed

pic deleted

Between me, a clean cold barrel, and first time driving the rifle, I was dang happy with this result. Looking to try some handloads with 175's soon, and something tells me this rifle is going to shoot!
Re: first group with 'new' Gladius

I'd say post some of the pics anyways. Yes there is a group shot policy, but I'd like to see what she can do. If you come in bragging that you shot a 3 shot group at .1 then there's a difference. Showing the first shots out of your rifle is different then showing us groups that you rifle can make.
Re: first group with 'new' Gladius

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bm11</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I'd post 'em, as long as you post a pic of the rifle as well! </div></div>
This. and SH doesn't have a shot group policy anymore. Frank was tired of dealing with it so he deleted it all together.