This is the problem with the interwebs. People will say stuff like the above poster while the OP is interested in PM2's and such....
There is a 3-20 PM2 with H2CMR for 2500$ on the exchange. Thats a good buy all day long. You'll see them come and go quickly. I prefer the 5-25, but I've had the 3-20 and wouldn't hesiste to own one again. If you can spend some time on a Schimdt, and then look through pretty much anything else and you'll see why they are expensive. I would look away from Athlon if you're serious about optics. The Cornus is ok, but one must remember its not going to be anything close to a Schmidt. Gen 2 Razor best buy for your buck, NF 5-25 is about the same price range as some PM2's (I'm not a fan of the Mil-r, but like the Mil-c which I've seen recently for ~24-2500), Kahles (gen 3) are also worth a look. Can't go wrong with any of the above! Good luck!