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New Home Defense Rifle Suggestions

Not to mention any m70 rifle in the US not built from the ground up in a kit by a premium builder is a bastard retrofit.

AK Rifles cannot be imported able to accept double stack magazines. So they are converted by opening up and modifying the magwell as well as replacing the single feed bolt with a double feed. They tend to be much less reliable than what people think of a standard comblock unmolested factory AK.

Anyone in the hobby knows the horror stories of century arms guns and their issues due to idiots working there and no standards. Yea that m70 was modified by some retard making minimum wage who can barely spell his name and never test fired to see if it will actually feed post modification.

It's why AK pistols are much more desirable as they can be imported with correct magwell/bolt combo due to difference in import laws. That century pistol is unmolested and came as it should from the factory built as intended.

This is a long way to say people who think and say AKs are some kind of amazing reliable weapon system generally are talking out their ass. They are just repeating shit from other people who are even more misinformed.

AK is a pretty shitty home defense option considering all the options out there. 99% of people who run one don't even know the manual of arms of running one proficiently.
This is so true and such a great post (sorry AK guys)
3/25/2025 right now AK type weapons are the most produced assault weapons over all assault weapons combined . Fifty years from now when gun powder powered weapons are passé and the standard police issue is pulse proton discharge weapons the ak will still hold that title . At around 1 am on 3/25/2050 it will still be doing illegal evil on the streets of chicago by hoodrats and maybe even by a yugo [maybe mine] made by sebian monkeys ,doubtful it will be my US made in NC by meth heads but now fixed .
3/25/2025 right now AK type weapons are the most produced assault weapons over all assault weapons combined . Fifty years from now when gun powder powered weapons are passé and the standard police issue is pulse proton discharge weapons the ak will still hold that title . At around 1 am on 3/25/2050 it will still be doing illegal evil on the streets of chicago by hoodrats and maybe even by a yugo [maybe mine] made by sebian monkeys ,doubtful it will be my US made in NC by meth heads but now fixed .
Are you high ?
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To-date, every high-volume course I have run or been at where AKs were present, they had malfunctions that distracted from training, or broke. These were all select-fire or European guns for the most part, that had no connection to the US private market.

The one exception was a Romanian import semi auto, which experienced a stuck case in the chamber, needed to be kick-started off a truck tailgate. That was Dr. Drew’s from Magpul out in the Pawnee Grasslands in Colorado in the 2000s.

The idea of an AK popping into my head as a home defense solution is so foreign to me, that I’m still trying to compute it. If it was all I had, then sure, but there are so many better options.
3/25/2025 right now AK type weapons are the most produced assault weapons over all assault weapons combined . Fifty years from now when gun powder powered weapons are passé and the standard police issue is pulse proton discharge weapons the ak will still hold that title . At around 1 am on 3/25/2050 it will still be doing illegal evil on the streets of chicago by hoodrats and maybe even by a yugo [maybe mine] made by sebian monkeys ,doubtful it will be my US made in NC by meth heads but now fixed .
000 cheech-and-chong-stoned.gif
My inner child wants the Fostech Raptor. While the adult side of me likes the Colt patrol rifle. And the prior service side of me wants a BCM rifle. I dont think Ive seen a BCM rifle in stock...ever.

Theres a Sea of great AR's out there. If you could only pick one AR rifle for home defense which one would you get?

BCM full rifles are in stock in a number of places, like here, here, and on GB. Or get a BCM upper, which you can find in lots of places, and a BCM lower (I like the newer Mk2 lower with the A5-compatible buffer setup). The MK2 lowers are hard to find in stock, but if you get on the notifications list of a few of the larger dealers, they get some every few months.
На сегодняшний день, на каждом крупномасштабном курсе, который я проводил или на котором присутствовал, где присутствовали АК, у них были неисправности, которые отвлекали от обучения, или они ломались. Это были все винтовки селективного огня или европейские по большей части, которые не имели никакого отношения к частному рынку США.

Единственным исключением был румынский импортный полуавтомат, у которого застряла гильза в патроннике, и его пришлось заводить с помощью кикстартера от заднего борта грузовика. Это был Dr. Drew's из Magpul в Pawnee Grasslands в Колорадо в 2000-х годах.

Идея АК, которая пришла мне в голову в качестве решения для защиты дома, настолько чужда мне, что я все еще пытаюсь ее вычислить. Если бы это было все, что у меня было, тогда, конечно, но есть так много лучших вариантов.
Румынский АК ?! :) . Это эталон надежности :) . Есть еще болгарский АК :) . Судя по качеству этих жалких поделок ... Настоящий АК может быть сделан только в СССР или России , все остальное - жалкое подобие оригинала по надежности и качеству изготовления . Если мне предложат оставить себе одну винтовку из тысячи , то это будет российский АК . С ним мне не страшны ни плюс 40 , ни минус 40 , конечно , по Цельсию :) - он всегда будет готов к работе .
The Finnish Valmet and SAKO Rk series crush anything from Russia in terms of quality, reliability, and accuracy. Just the way it is. They are also boat anchors though, even the Rk76 with stamped steel receiver. It has double thickness sheet steel, so is still very heavy. Cool guns, but more a product of 1940s-1950s design philosophies and manufacturing methods.

My Russian AKM requires you to aim between the left protective ear and the front sight post if you want Point of Aim to equal Point of Impact. I would be ashamed to mention AKs in a conversation about home defense in the year 2005, let alone 2025.

If I had to use one, it would be suppressed with a short barrel, US-made adjustable gas piston, folding receiver cover with integral 1913 rail, MRDS, Weapon Light, de-horned of all the sharp edges. Since something like that has nothing to offer me over an AR-15, I haven’t had one built.

Keep in mind I have shot more rounds through AKs in a day than most Russian professional soldiers have shot or ever will shoot in their entire careers. That includes 5.45x39 and 7.62x39 variants from multiple countries.