New Leica Geovid Pro and AB upgrade for legacy .com products

I really liked the Zeiss Victory RF. Ranges everything I ever wanted and gave dope near immediately. I wanted a smaller bino and 8’s otherwise I’d have kept the Zeiss.
I wanted to answer a couple questions in the thread. First, I can confirm the Pros connect to both the Tactix Delta, Tactix 7 and Kestrel. Second, they have onboard AB Lite which it will use if not connected to another device. You can upgrade to full AB Elite for $150 through the app.

Leica has published a manual. I found a misprint on page 21 where it says a single click of the mode button will show the atmospherics. That shows wind which is described on page 23. Double-click the mode button to show atmospherics.
Any pics of the HUD and what all is displayed while ranging?
I looked through that manual but never saw an image showing all the range, dope, compass direction, etc like the 10K does.
You mean this?
We’re looking for the whole enchilada. As stated, I looked through the manual already.
I’d like info on whether all the data previously mentioned is displayed in one place while ranging. Thanks
Want to keep this thread going. I just placed an order for a 10x and while waiting to try it out personally would like to see other options on glass performance vs Swarovski El, range accuracy, ease of use with app, Bluetooth functionality, etc.
I have always been a subscriber to the separate RF / Bino. Last weekend I took a trip up to South Dakota and shot prairie dogs with Orkan and really struggled. 1st I had issues lasing with my Kilo 2400AB out past 600 yds. Just couldn't get a good reading back. Second I could easily spot the dogs with my Swaro EL's but when swapped back to the RF its was very difficult to find the dog I wanted and to get an accurate range. After this hunt I have decided to go forward with the Leica Pros. Really hope the accuracy and performance is there. Parshal, thanks for your assessment, I really don't want to give up my Swaro's but if the clairity is close and the ranging performance is there I think it will be a worthy sacrifice.
Keep the info coming!
Will the be upgradable?
Here is what the Leica rep told me: "The 3200COM product line will not be upgraded/converted to Applied Ballistics. We are working with AB to have them build a new app for the 3200s that will make them easier to program and use, but it will not (and hardware specs mean that we cannot) have AB onboard the 3200 like we do in the new PRO32s. At some point, the 3200COM product line will be phased out and replaced by PRO42s. That line extension of the PRO series will have full AB functionality on board."
Do you think this optic would be better in 8 or 10 power? I know 8 will give better FOV and better light transmission at low light hours, but obviously give up 2 extra on zoom...

Since these are 32 objectives the extra light transmission on the 8x32s might have some impact during dusk/early morning hours. Wish I could afford each to test :)
Someone posted on either LRH or Rokslide that they tested both and said the 10's only gave up a minute or two at dark. I've heard a couple others that tested them who said they preferred the 10's over the 8's.

I went with 8's for FOV. I can hand hold them longer than 10's as well.
I just bought these in 8x power. Will have to see how I like them. I think 8x will be good for PRS because the Terrapin is 8x and I have no complaints about it, even out to 1,400 yds on my 100% IPSC target. Ranges it every time. I will probably miss 10x a little bit on looking at buck's racks while hunting.
I just received the Leica 8x32 pros and so far I am very impressed with the quality, glass, and how fast the laser is on everything. I appreciate the smaller size over the 10x42's. Even though on paper it doesn't show being much lighter, it sure feels lighter.

I need to get out into the field with my gun and TerrapinX/AB Kestrel combo I've been using, and compare ballistic readings between the units on long range targets. Everything I'm measuring in the neighborhood seems to be within 1% of each other, but I can't get out past 350yds at the moment.

The Leica app is very easy to use and it works great. No connection issues or hesitation. Very easy to set up gun profiles and switch profiles in the app then send to the binos. After comparing 8x and 10x binos side by side, I think the journey of using 8x is going to be refreshing for stages that require ranging quickly and helping with increased clarity.

Draw backs I have noticed:

1. On the Leica app, there is no input for barrel twist rate like there is on the kestrel. Otherwise, it's all the same. I am no expert on ballistics, so I don't know if this will affect things or not? EDIT: Nevermind, I later went back to the app and for some reason, now there are a lot more data fields to fill in that weren't there when I first opened the app. Now it has all data fields needed including barrel twist. Perhaps this happened after I paid for the Applied Ballistics upgrade?
2. When ranging, I would like for the elevation calculation to populate first in the HUD instead of the yardage. Maybe there is a fix for this... Otherwise, the range calculation is super fast.

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Interested to see the accuracy of your ballistic calculator after testing. My one complaint about my Kilo is that for whatever reason sometimes the ballistic solutions are off about .2 MILs across the board.

10x42 Model will be in my near future perhaps...
I am back from testing out to 1,400yds and all I can say is, wow.
I am super happy with these and will not be sending them back. They are lining up along side my kestrel's calculations.
What really blew me away is I ranged the 1,400yd 100% ipsc on the first try while free handing, leaning against an upright.


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1. On the Leica app, there is no input for barrel twist rate like there is on the kestrel. Otherwise, it's all the same. I am no expert on ballistics, so I don't know if this will affect things or not? EDIT: Nevermind, I later went back to the app and for some reason, now there are a lot more data fields to fill in that weren't there when I first opened the app. Now it has all data fields needed including barrel twist. Perhaps this happened after I paid for the Applied Ballistics upgrade?
2. When ranging, I would like for the elevation calculation to populate first in the HUD instead of the yardage. Maybe there is a fix for this... Otherwise, the range calculation is super fast.

You had mentioned twist rate on the app screen. You are correct that this shows up in the Elite but not Ultralight variant. Here are images of the differences in the first part of each versions profile builder screen. Obviously there are significantly more options as you scroll down in the Elite version.

2022 5 13 AB Elite Ultralite.jpg

I just bought these in 8x power. Will have to see how I like them. I think 8x will be good for PRS because the Terrapin is 8x and I have no complaints about it, even out to 1,400 yds on my 100% IPSC target. Ranges it every time. I will probably miss 10x a little bit on looking at buck's racks while hunting.
It's interesting, I have been comparing the Geovid Pro's side by side with the original Vectronix Terrapins while doing my review. The Terrapins can deliver further maximum ranges than the Geovids but at more important distances <2k yds, the Geovids will return a range for more objects than the Terrapins. I suspect this is either a resualt of the tighter beam divergence on the Geovids or a better onboard algorithm for processing the signal. In either case, most of the time the Geovids range better.

The HUD info is what I’m interested in too.

Even the video reviews I’ve watched don’t include this. This should be front & centre.

The reason for this is that it is near impossible to photograph because of sync issues between the display on the binoculars and the CMOS sensor in the camera. Basically, though the display looks constant to your eye, in fact each part of each digit is actually being individually displayed one after the other very rapidly. On video it just looks like ocasional flashes of part of a digit and on still you typically get a photo of just part of one or two digits. Accidentally I got a photo in nightvision (1 second exposure) mode that shows most of the first return screen (the range). The current display sequence is 2 seconds range, 2 seconds drop, 2 seconds wind, then a second cycle of this sequence. Leica has added, since launch, the ability to interupt this display sequence mid go now by hitting the range key to re-range immediately. They are considering giving more options for display duration and order of which solution displays first.
2022 5 28 rr sign range display.jpg
I think it is important to note on Leicas limited single line display, that they have really optimized for optical performance in these Binos. This comes with some display limitations. You can only make the display so bright without it costing you some transmission ability and you can only make the text smaller and have more of it if you make the display brighter and the binos therefore dimmer and perhaps strangely tinted.

Do you think this optic would be better in 8 or 10 power? I know 8 will give better FOV and better light transmission at low light hours, but obviously give up 2 extra on zoom...
I actually ended up having both in hand at the same time. I did notice the 8x being brighter as the light faded just as you would expect. Frankly, I don't hold binos steady enough to prefer a 10x anyway so I'm team 8x either way but I could see low light use being a consideration in picking 8x's.
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Unfortunately I have read that info as well, no AB upgrade for 3200s. Sorry, don't have the link handy. Bummer.

I did read a facelift was coming for the Leica Hunting app that the 3200 uses so that it is more frendly like the Leica Ballistics app the Pro uses.

Just checked app store for updates, nothing yet.
Leica is discounting the Geovid 10x42 HD-B 3200.COM Rangefinder - 40807 so I wonder if they gave up entirely on updating them.
That's too bad, I would have loved to pick these up at a discount but I hate their ballistic suite.
Do you know if you’ll be able upload the ballistic profile to the binos, or will it require the Bluetooth connection to your phone (similar to Bluetooth to your kestrel)
This is the reply I received from the Leica tech rep to your question:

"As far as we know, NOTHING will change as far as new features, etc. This upgrade is all about simplifying the programming."
This is the reply I received from the Leica tech rep to your question:

"As far as we know, NOTHING will change as far as new features, etc. This upgrade is all about simplifying the programming."
Thank you for asking. I’m still a little unclear whether the binos will be able to calculate the drop using the AB CDMs or G7 profiles, without a connection any external device, like a phone app, kestrel etc. The biggest flaw of the’s in my opinion is that they ship with only the G1 BC profile. I’d settle for G7 but would ideally want the AB CDMs and would happily pay for the upgrade.
Thank you for asking. I’m still a little unclear whether the binos will be able to calculate the drop using the AB CDMs or G7 profiles, without a connection any external device, like a phone app, kestrel etc. The biggest flaw of the’s in my opinion is that they ship with only the G1 BC profile. I’d settle for G7 but would ideally want the AB CDMs and would happily pay for the upgrade.

My understanding is that nothing in the on board calculation engine of the 3200's can be changed. That capability is just not in the hardware.

Regarding the migration to the new app: I do believe an improvement in bluetooth range and stability is expected. This was evidently something the programmers of the old Leica app had problems with that partially motivated the change to AB. Piecing together my different conversations on the subject and reading between the lines a bit, I think a lot of this results from switching App developers. Essentially, they want to move the's to be able to support them going forward using the App developer that AB contracts with. That was my take on it anyway. My initial thought was that the switch was essentially a software upgrade, but I belive I was mistaken in that. It is more a simplification of software management. As such, getting the full migration done is not the top priority for either Leica or AB. There isn't much functionality change and the old app is working. I believe the change over is more about future proofing given how smartphones are not great with backwards software compatability as time goes by. Keep in mind, there is a lot of speculation about plans and motivations in my thoughts on this.
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