In my opinion the NOX18 is the one that makes the most sense in their lineup today. I run mine exclusively on the helmet and it is bombproof (50 cal rated) with a gorgeous picture. I recently bought an RL25v2 and while the picture is nice once adjusted, it takes a lot more adjustment from night to night to get a nice picture. The NOX18 just gives a great image with minor adjustments. I've considered buying another NOX18 or even 35 as a dedicated unit where I don't need a range finder.This thing will be obsolete before it even gets released.
It’s sad. I like NVision. I’ve almost bought a NOX18 multiple times, and talked with them about buying one of their “blem” Filmless PVS-14’s that they offer from time to time(they didn’t have any in stock at the time), but their product offerings (at least the ones I’m interested in) just aren’t competitive with what else is out there.
If they released a NOX18 that had a clip on mode(not even with a Risley prism, I’m cool with having to “zero” it like the RH25) for ~$6,000, I’d have one yesterday. But it’s been ~4 years since the NOX18 has been updated, which is basically like 20 years in the thermal market. I hope they continue to turn out new/improved products in the future. I’d like to buy one some day.
However, my next purchase might be a Nocpix 1280 if they are what they say they are which sucks because I wanted to buy American but another year delay and an unclear ballistics integration doesn't help me make that choice