New PA Glx 3-18

I havent seen much info about the GlX 4-16, and it seems like a fair bit of whats out there is negative. Its interesting because I really like my 2.5-10 GlX and most others do as well, you would think the glass would be about the same.
Try this. It doesn't look too negative.

Alright, here’s some super science-y science (not). Brick wall at 300ish yards. Parallax probably not dialed perfectly. Best I got given it’s not mounted. Scope at 6x to make pic taking a bit easier.

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Have any of you all compare the GLx 3-18 to say an Athlon Ares or PST Gen2? I'm just trying to get an idea on glass quality. I'm very intrigued, and I want to stay away from Chinese glass.

12x and 18x. Was kinda hard to get good photo at max power.

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I’m super happy with my glx 4.5-27 for the price this thing beats most out there. Glass is surprisingly good. Tracking has been excellent. The chevron does not hinder me at all in shooting groups or running it under the clock on steel in fact I’ve grown to really like it. The only thing I can knock is maybe low light performance but it’s certainly not bad. Great scope for the sale or dealer price.

What scopes do you have to compare to? I’m very curious how the glass on this optic is going to compare to say PST Gen ii or Burris xtr iii
How is the eye box? Is it a fairly forgiving optic or little tight? How is the glass? How Is the CA ?
I find the eye box to be perfectly adequate. It get's a little tight at max power but still not anything outside the norm. It won't wow you with a large FOV like the Gen3 or Theos but it's not bad either.

I find the glass quality to definitely be a strength. It's the first thing I noticed about it. It was definitely an instant wow from me. Is it as good as the aforementioned scopes? No, but it's fairly close unless trying to discern hit marks at extended distances, not to say you can't just not like the Theos or Gen3. What I will say is I I love the color of the glass. It's very neutral, not too cool like most scopes. It's a nice balanced tone.

I have noticed almost no CA coming from it. On a late night pig hunt I saw just an ever so slightly a purple tinge on a barn in the distance but I really had to work hard to get it to show up.

I would say this scope does everything very well for the price point. Love the solid lock up turrets and the turret feel is distinct and solid.

For the price it's great. I have two now.