new Rem 5r with dirty barrel

Re: new Rem 5r with dirty barrel

I believe all manufacturers fire proof loads through their rifles and most do not clean them prior to packing and shipping them out.
Re: new Rem 5r with dirty barrel

All 5R's come dirty as hell from the factory. You should clean any rifle before you fire it for the first time anyway, new or used, so not a big deal.
Re: new Rem 5r with dirty barrel

My son and I just got our Remmy's with the 5r barrel and they were so dirty I called Remington to find out how many rounds they use for test fire. Never got an answer, but after they were cleaned they are the best shooting production rifle I have seen.
Re: new Rem 5r with dirty barrel

Mine came to me the same way. What ever load they shoot in the factory is really some dirty mess. But I got it clean and took it to the range and man am I smiling. After shooting and cleaning the rifle after every few rounds it now cleans up nice. You will love your new dirty rifle.