First off, Hello there everyone! Been a lurker for a long while, and I felt it time to slip out of the tall grass and make an account, hehe. You guys all seem to be pretty honest and straightforward with answering questions, and most of my contacts in the wide world of offline are....well... not.
So! Question One: Remington XCR Tac. vs. 700PSS
Beyond the price difference of course, I really want some hard reviews on the performance comparison between the two... such as the X40 trigger and new barrel and such. I will say that I like the B&C stock on the XCR better than the PSS, which may come into play because my budget dictates i build this first rifle slowly... very slowly... Another issue is factory defects to accuracy... which of them has less, because my luck has always been REALLY bad with landing those... Any opinions on either platform would be greatly appreciated!
I already have some basic glass to get started on my short-medium game... with the lofty goal of a divine USO SN-3 in the future, but question 2 is about stock... kinda a random McMillan A-5 question. I have small hands, small backstraps on all my mod able pistol-grip weapons and all that, which is a big reason why i like the skinny B&C on the XCR more than the big fat handle on the PSS. My question is this... in all my travels, i have never still been fortunate enough to see an A-5 in person... but i have handled an A-4, and the fat grip completely killed it for me... McMillian's website states that the A-5 has the "trim" grip of an A-3... but i have never seen an A-3 either. Is an A-5's grip, in-fact, not built for the Incredible Hulk?
Thank you very much for your time, and i hope some ease to my troubled near-by purchasing mind will ensue!
So! Question One: Remington XCR Tac. vs. 700PSS
Beyond the price difference of course, I really want some hard reviews on the performance comparison between the two... such as the X40 trigger and new barrel and such. I will say that I like the B&C stock on the XCR better than the PSS, which may come into play because my budget dictates i build this first rifle slowly... very slowly... Another issue is factory defects to accuracy... which of them has less, because my luck has always been REALLY bad with landing those... Any opinions on either platform would be greatly appreciated!
I already have some basic glass to get started on my short-medium game... with the lofty goal of a divine USO SN-3 in the future, but question 2 is about stock... kinda a random McMillan A-5 question. I have small hands, small backstraps on all my mod able pistol-grip weapons and all that, which is a big reason why i like the skinny B&C on the XCR more than the big fat handle on the PSS. My question is this... in all my travels, i have never still been fortunate enough to see an A-5 in person... but i have handled an A-4, and the fat grip completely killed it for me... McMillian's website states that the A-5 has the "trim" grip of an A-3... but i have never seen an A-3 either. Is an A-5's grip, in-fact, not built for the Incredible Hulk?
Thank you very much for your time, and i hope some ease to my troubled near-by purchasing mind will ensue!