This is what 104" FB looks like with new 107 SMK, almost perfect. The short neck is right at the neck shoulder juncture, taking full advantage of your short neck.
No donuts to worry about with Alpha Munitions brass..
The donuts are the problem with reformed Lapua brass, so may want to be forward the donut area..hence the longer FB.
Which loses your ability to hold on to the bullet as the throat wears and you may want to be close to the rifling, you have little adjustment and still keep the bullet in the neck.
The next up is the 115 DTAC, with .104" FB here it could use a small bit of increase in FB to be perfect. But a little bit of throat wear will take care of some of that as you shoot the rifle.
Choose what ever free bore ya want, but Alpha brass is the way to go in IMO.
Better chance of low run out when ya get a full length neck grip on the bullet with this short necked cartridge, plus low velocity deviations, and super accuracy.