Re: New to long range shooting..what do i need
Forget the Nightforce for a while, put your money into ammo (or components) for your '06.
I think 54 grns of 4895 is a bit hot for 180s, Get some 150s and use 46-47 grns of 4895.
You have to learn to crawl before you learn to walk. When you can keep your '06 in the X-10 ring at 100 yards from all positions, prone, sitting and standing, worry about spending big bucks on glass. When you can get a good solid constant 2 MOA group, work your way out further.
If you don't have sights or a scope now, get a Weaver 4X, for about 250, Good reliable scope.
Spending money wont make a shooter out of you, spending time on the range putting rounds down range will. And dry fire, dry fire as much as you can, it don't cost nothing, and if done right helps a lot.