Newbie looking for advice on cz457 barrel choices.

Found my 6x5 targets from a while back. This is the group buy barrel without tuner:
My comment is for the OP. MPA will custom fit and set the headspace on one of their barrels to your receiver. They use the Anschutz chamber. You send them your receiver and bolt. Cost is $400.

Personally I will be getting a barrel from IBI. I have one of their barrels on my T1x and am very happy with the results. IBI uses the same shank size specification as CZ does so there shouldn't be any headspace issues. You can get a Win 52D chamber or a Callfee 4. I'm going with the Callfee 4 this time because I never shot one and it will feed better than the 52D. Their barrels are $319 unfluted and $409 fluted....

Wow, I won't lie, that look insanely good. Great shooting. I might just pick up one of the IBI barrel from brownells as my back up barrel when i get the extra cash.
Found my 6x5 targets from a while back. This is the group buy barrel without tuner:

If that is any indication, I cannot wait to see how would mine perform. Are those group you shot with the glue in barrel? I am getting mine with the set screw and i hope it doesn't affect accuracy that much.
If that is any indication, I cannot wait to see how would mine perform. Are those group you shot with the glue in barrel? I am getting mine with the set screw and i hope it doesn't affect accuracy that much.

Yes, that's the glue-in. It probably doesn't cause a very noticeable difference in accuracy and the regular set screw barrel can be glued in if you like. I had to remove a glue-in on a different rifle one time and I can guarantee it will never move unless you really want it too. They are very hard to take apart without heat.

I wish I kept the other targets with different ammo. It was averaging mid-3's with a good lot of CCI Standard. They only thing it hates is RWS R-50 for some reason. I'm probably the only person around who has had bad luck with that ammo. It shot so bad I didn't measure it.
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Kod a measurement at the muzzle would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks. The overall appearance has very balanced visual... I'm not sure I don't like it better than the Manners stocked rifle which has been my favorite in appearance up to this point..... The fluting really caps it off...

Kod a measurement at the muzzle would be greatly appreciated...

Thanks. The overall appearance has very balanced visual... I'm not sure I don't like it better than the Manners stocked rifle which has been my favorite in appearance up to this point..... The fluting really caps it off...

.927" at the muzzle and .862" in front of it.
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So did you end up doing the MPA options? Im curious to see how it shoot. I saw in other threads you got actions back from MPA already unless i misreading it.
No, I decided against it. When I first talked to Al at MPA he told me I could get a barrel custom fitted with the Anschutz chamber and have the barrel threaded and backbored. He also said they made barrels in batches and He said they were looking at 4-6 weeks before they started on a new batch and to check back at random.

A few weeks go by and when I called to check on the batch making process he now tells me that they are not threading barrels and backboring barrels because it's not a proven process yet. But he did say he would honor the backbore and threading if I wanted it. He also said barrels were made on an order basis and I had to send my receiver with bolt in first before they started on a barrel.

In all, I just got an uneasy feeling about the entire process and outcome. That's when I decided to go back to the IBI barrel with a Callfee 4 chamber.
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Hello, folks. I’m new here and looking forward to upgrading my CZ 457 MTR. I must admit that it has been a disappointment to this point. If I can eventually get it to shoot in .2s & .3s I’d be satisfied. My buddy’s Bergara B14 will outshoot it every day. I have a BSCAR trigger coming within the next month. I asked Bill for a single stage 3-4oz. Weight. I certainly hope this improves performance. I’d guess the next step would be a barrel replacement. I look forward to checking into this site periodically. Good Shooting, everyone.
Hello, folks. I’m new here and looking forward to upgrading my CZ 457 MTR. I must admit that it has been a disappointment to this point. If I can eventually get it to shoot in .2s & .3s I’d be satisfied. My buddy’s Bergara B14 will outshoot it every day. I have a BSCAR trigger coming within the next month. I asked Bill for a single stage 3-4oz. Weight. I certainly hope this improves performance. I’d guess the next step would be a barrel replacement. I look forward to checking into this site periodically. Good Shooting, everyone.
I have Bill’s trigger on a 455 and if the 457 is similar it will be the best trigger you’ve ever used. If you go with a new barrel I would strongly recommend one fitted to your receiver. Mine is an absolute tack driver, something I never achieved with a drop in.
Hello, folks. I’m new here and looking forward to upgrading my CZ 457 MTR. I must admit that it has been a disappointment to this point. If I can eventually get it to shoot in .2s & .3s I’d be satisfied. My buddy’s Bergara B14 will outshoot it every day. I have a BSCAR trigger coming within the next month. I asked Bill for a single stage 3-4oz. Weight. I certainly hope this improves performance. I’d guess the next step would be a barrel replacement. I look forward to checking into this site periodically. Good Shooting, everyone.

Not to be demeaning in any way, but I don't think a 3-4 oz trigger is what is causing the groups not to be in the .2's and the .3's. I've been shooting in the .2's-.3's with a 2lb trigger with my CZ 457 MTR. You need to find the right ammo that matches that barrel. All of the MTRs I've shot with have outshot the B14R, of course this is with the right ammo. Just because one ammo works great in the B14R, it doesn't mean it'll work great in the CZ 457 MTR.

Then you have other things to consider, same scope? Is your scope mounted on properly? All the screws torqued correctly? Are you shooting both rifles or is your friend shooting his, and you shooting yours?
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No offense taken. We both went to Lapua’s test center and had quite a few batches of ammunition tried. Our hope was that we could share the same case. Naturally that didn’t happen. We settled on Center X but two different lot numbers. Optics are different. He shoots a B & L variable. Mine is a Golden Eagle. I’m used to competing with my 6XC using a Bix-n-Andy set at 1.8 oz. Everything is torqued to spec with Wheeler tools. We do not shoot each other’s rifles. It’s been decades since I had the time to shoot in earnest. I got into benchrest shooting five years ago. He has much more recent competition experience than me. I expected this rifle to outperform my old Anschutz 164 squirrel rifle. To this point it hasn’t. I even added a Harrel tuner. That helped but I still think it should do better. My smith suggested the possibility of having a bedding job. That is being considered as well.
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..........My smith suggested the possibility of having a bedding job. That is being considered as well.
I have the same rifle and scope and have been shooting it in ARA factory bench rest this year.
I bedded my rifle after ordering Richard Franklin's video on how he does his bedding jobs. I think it turned out very good.
If your read this article, you get 90% of how he does it, but me being anal, I ordered the video.