Newbie Shooter, once banned (accidentally) back again - for good?


Newbie Shooter
Full Member
Sep 26, 2024
Hey guys,

I originally found this place because of the post exchange and I was trying to purchase a NF scope and I might have sent a few similarly worded messages and found myself banned. I hated it, because I frequently came here for gear and shooting information.

By the grace of someone, my account got unlocked and instead of just sending PM's trying to score a good deal on gear - I thought I might introduce myself and attempt to contribute a little bit.

No military or LEO experience, I've been shooting for about 14 years and I owned and operated a gun shop for a while.

I used to be all about speed shooting, lots of pistols with compensators, pistol caliber carbines, etc.

Recently I started getting into precision when I took a LPVO on a rifle and tried to make some groups at 100 yards and realized I really had let my accuracy get to shit.

I hope to learn a lot here.

- faylix