Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

Thanks to Kurt, Roy, Dane and Joe for running the match. As you can see from Aron's pics, it's nice to see everyone out here enjoying a beautiful day . Thanks Beau for the Results chart. See you all next month.
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

I had a great time today and learned a lot! Thank you everyone for helping out. Looking forward to the next Vegas match and I'll see some of you guys at the So Cal PRC.
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: LVshooter</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: sobrbiker883</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Unfortunately not going to be able to slide up, have some stuff to take care of here... </div></div>
All talk no action. Common Steve, You gotta made it one of these days. </div></div>

Really wanted to Kurt, but had to get some stuff done this weekend. Let me put it this way, I'm leaving the seat up anytime I want now....
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

Thanks for putting on another fun match guys. I appreciate the work that goes into running one and keeping everyone squared away. Tim and I both had a great time. See some of you in a couple of weeks. See some of the rest of you in a few months.
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

Thanks Kurt!!!!

Thanks Cliff at New Frontier for the prize table goodies.

Thanks ROy, Joe, Bill, Beau, Marcus, Ty, So Cal Joe and any one else that helped score, spot or anything else to keep this very large turn out running relatively smooth.

Looking forward to next months match, its good to be back with a fresh tube on the rifle.
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

Thanks for a great match Kurt, Joe, Beau, and everyone else that helped out. Awesome turnout and things ran very well. It was good to see everyone again as well.
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

Huge thanks New Frontier Armory and Storm Tactical for supporting the match.

Group photo after the match


The prize table - Thanks to New Frontier Armory and Storm Tactical


It was great to see the large turn out. Next match will be Dec 3.
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

All, it was a great match! It was definitely worth the 6900 miles I flew in from the Middle East to be there to shoot and see everyone again after several months of being gone. Unfortunately I have to go back to the "land of no private gun ownership" this week.

Thanks again to Roy, Dane, Joe and Kurt for running the match and to Dave D. for his tireless spotting duties.

I look forward to the next one
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

Thanks Kurt and crew for putting on the match.

Sorry we had to bail before all the awards and stuff, but we had to turn and burn another 9 hours on the road.

Hope to see some of the Vegas guys out West sometimes.

Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: D. Miller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks Kurt!!!!

<span style="font-weight: bold">Thanks Cliff at New Frontier for the prize table goodies.</span>
Thanks ROy, Joe, Bill, Beau, Marcus, Ty, So Cal Joe and any one else that helped score, spot or anything else to keep this very large turn out running relatively smooth.

Looking forward to next months match, its good to be back with a fresh tube on the rifle. </div></div>

I should be thanking you guys. It's great to see a local event that is striving to pull together the shooting community. Certainly wish we could do more to support local shoots/shooters. I apologize to all that I'm not more creative with the prizes... but I'm working on it.

Cliff Arnold
New Frontier Armory
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: NFACliff</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
I should be thanking you guys. It's great to see a local event that is striving to pull together the shooting community. Certainly wish we could do more to support local shoots/shooters. I apologize to all that I'm not more creative with the prizes... but I'm working on it.

Cliff Arnold
New Frontier Armory

We appreciate all that you do for our local match here. It's nice that some of us get to go home with a prize.

I heard that your precision rifle is finally ready. Maybe we will see you out here one day.
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: NFACliff</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: D. Miller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks Kurt!!!!

<span style="font-weight: bold">Thanks Cliff at New Frontier for the prize table goodies.</span>
Thanks ROy, Joe, Bill, Beau, Marcus, Ty, So Cal Joe and any one else that helped score, spot or anything else to keep this very large turn out running relatively smooth.

Looking forward to next months match, its good to be back with a fresh tube on the rifle. </div></div>

I should be thanking you guys. It's great to see a local event that is striving to pull together the shooting community. Certainly wish we could do more to support local shoots/shooters. I apologize to all that I'm not more creative with the prizes... but I'm working on it.

Cliff Arnold
New Frontier Armory
Ha! Typical attitude from New Frontier! Apologizing for going above and beyond.

That's why money keeps getting spent at your shop. Superior customer service every time I come in.

Now if you only carried a little more reloading cash would really suffer.....
Re: Next Las Vegas Precision Tactical Rifle Match

<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: fireguyty</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: NFACliff</div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: D. Miller</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Thanks Kurt!!!!

<span style="font-weight: bold">Thanks Cliff at New Frontier for the prize table goodies.</span>
Thanks ROy, Joe, Bill, Beau, Marcus, Ty, So Cal Joe and any one else that helped score, spot or anything else to keep this very large turn out running relatively smooth.

Looking forward to next months match, its good to be back with a fresh tube on the rifle. </div></div>

I should be thanking you guys. It's great to see a local event that is striving to pull together the shooting community. Certainly wish we could do more to support local shoots/shooters. I apologize to all that I'm not more creative with the prizes... but I'm working on it.

Cliff Arnold
New Frontier Armory
Ha! Typical attitude from New Frontier! Apologizing for going above and beyond.

That's why money keeps getting spent at your shop. Superior customer service every time I come in.

Now if you only carried a little more reloading cash would really suffer.....</div></div>

+1 It couldn't hurt to contact Scott McRee and maybe have a chassis or two on hand as well?