Rifleman’s Team Challenge NF ELR 2024

I don’t have dog in the pony show, but regarding the teams at NF ELR I don’t think I it’s appropriate that they get to speak to each other. They should just awkwardly lay next to each other in silence and give each other nods if things are jiving. Everyone knows that teams isn’t fair.
Teams is a separate division and if the scoring/prize table reflected that it wouldn’t be an issue. The order should go top 5 open, top 5 hunter, then top 5 team. OR team should have their own table. I shot teams this year and it was my first time at the match and me and my buddy had a ton of fun. There are definitely things that could be cleaned up when it comes to prizes for sure. At the end of the day, I got spend three days shooting with my best friend that I don’t get to see often enough.
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3hr backup on stage 15 was the worst part. Something with the mover is fucked every year, just delete entirely. Movers are fun but they’re not Disneyland line wait fun.

As soon as the MD said the table walk format, I knew there was going to be a lot of complaints. It’s really not hard to come up with a reasonable plan for that.

It seems like movers are always an issue at matches.

They've always caused the biggest issues at any match I've shot. Personally, I would rather have no movers than have to deal with a multi-hour backup.
Scores don't matter, shoot for the purity of the sport.

If you need scores and prize table walks, you're not a real sportsman
Prize table drama is everywhere. I just as soon they go away. I spend more time calling sponsors then chasing stuff down the week before than setting up the COF. $$ payouts would be better in my opinion.
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