Re: No Easy Day to pay and read or not?
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Cuban Croc</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Currently reading "FEARLESS". Have read most of the SEAL books that are out. Next is "No Easy Day". FEARLESS is the favorite of the books I have read about SEALs. That said, I would state the book gives lots of information about SEAL Team 6. All the books give intimate details about the missions they have completed and/or participated.
The only difference between this story and the others is this person did not receive an approval. From what I understand, this person did not want to receive an approval because he wanted the story to be told correctly and any cost. He felt passionate about the events and did not want the government to distort the true story.
Does anyone else agree? </div></div>
Mostly agree. I think that he got pissed off at details of the mission leaking out by politicians and politicians claiming credit for the success of SEALS on the mission and other SEAL missions. He doesn't come out and say that but he makes reference to these issues on several occasions at the end of the book.
There is NOTHING in the book that is new other than the four tube NVG's that he wore on the mission. Nothing that wasn't disclosed months ago by other media and the government.
As far as any terror groups, Muslim extremist groups going after him or other SEALS. Thats not likely going to happen.
They haven't been able to get Salman Rushdie and he has a active bounty of $3.3 million and a current Fatwa on his head.
Former President Jimmy Carter took the heat for the failed Iranian hostage rescue mission in 1980. So claiming credit for success by politicians is not unexpected.
There is a reason why all the stolen valor pretenders are SEAL wannabe's and not Rangers, Delta Force, Green Beret's etc. Books like this, Chris Kyle's book American Sniper, etc. How many movies are about Delta Force, Rangers, etc.? The only Green Beret movie was made 30 years ago.
Neither Chris Kyle's book, nor this book, give anything away. I hope they both make millions off their books.