We should probably lob KGM in with Dead Air since they're the offending (actual) manufacturer. And any cans KGM makes for other companies like Daniel Defense. Not sure whom else they've taken on as clients.
Not sure where dead air is located. But there are numerous posts about hiding their salt shaking cans. Can you tell me these shaky bois are better then Thunderbeast?
Not sure where dead air is located. But there are numerous posts about hiding their salt shaking cans. Can you tell me these shaky bois are better then Thunderbeast?
Dead Air is located in Utah. KGM is located in Norcross, GA.
And it's pretty stupid for you to assume I'm denying their issues. Read any DA thread in the last 6+ months, and I'm right there with everyone else. I own DA and TBAC cans... Don't be a retard and throw around stupid assumptions.
Also, fuck KGM...They did a shit job on my Mask HD respray. They didn't even blast the old finish off first, they took forever, and sent back a filthy can & didn't even clean the baffles like was requested in the RMA. Lazy assclowns.