The new proposed ATF form 4473 has 'non-binary' as a gender choice. This is a perfect example of the type of thing our GOP leaders need to "correct". There are only two genders or sexes, and anything else is either a birth defect in the extremely rare case of an infant born with evidence of both sets of organs, or the mental illness called gender dysphoria.
They ARE asking for public opinion on the new form 4473, so make your rational feelings known!
"If you have additional comments, regarding the estimated public burden or associated response time, suggestions, or need a copy of the proposed information collection instrument with instructions, or additional information, please contact: Helen Koppe, ATF Firearms & Explosives Industry Division either by mail at 99 New York Avenue NE, 6 N– 652, Washington, DC 20226, by email at [email protected], or by telephone at 202–648– 7173."
They ARE asking for public opinion on the new form 4473, so make your rational feelings known!

Proposed ATF 4473 Change Includes Three Gender Choices
Proposed ATF 4473 Change Includes Three Gender Choices. The ATF 4473 is the form most commonly seen by consumers when purchasing and transferring firearms at a Federal Firearms License (FFL) Dealer

"If you have additional comments, regarding the estimated public burden or associated response time, suggestions, or need a copy of the proposed information collection instrument with instructions, or additional information, please contact: Helen Koppe, ATF Firearms & Explosives Industry Division either by mail at 99 New York Avenue NE, 6 N– 652, Washington, DC 20226, by email at [email protected], or by telephone at 202–648– 7173."