Noob help (Impact 737R AW cut, Manners PRS-MCS-TCS)


Shoot at things semi far away
Full Member
Mar 23, 2021
Hi Everyone, I'll try do describe the issue I'm having.

I bought a AW cut Impact 737R LH action off the hide here (well, at least that is what the guy said it was cut for), a Manners PRS-MCS-TCS (gen 2 mini chassis).

  1. I assembled the entire gun, prefit barrel torque'd on to spec
  2. installed trigger/trigger hanger. dry fired, adjusted, all good.
  3. I just got some AW magazines, and these, are of course, giving me trouble.

I haven't modified the mag catch yet, but when I insert the mag the bolt ride completely over the round (6mm Creedmoor) and will not pick up at all (I was holding the mag flush/tight and trying to cycle it). It's just a hair off. It looks like the magazine fit perfectly flush to the action, but it won't pick it up. I also don't have any AICS mags to try with, until the one I ordered from brownells gets in.

My question is this. If it's supposedly cut for AW mags: 1. should I just try adjusting the feedlips on the mag, and 2. if that doesn't work, what next? I feel like "opening" the feedlips isn't the proper way to go about this.

I reached out to impact precision and am awaiting their response (I'm sure this isn't an issue with their action.) to see if they have any ideas.

If anyone has seen this combo and had issues, can you guide me in the right direction? I've gone through and search the hide and read a few things on mags/fitting/etc, and am not opposed to adjusting the lips.
Assuming the action is AW cut, I suspect the issue is the mag catch height
You could contact Manners and see if they send you a couple of mag catches w different heights to try
You may need to file one to get the right height though
I had a similar issue w a Defiance action and a Manners TCS
Oh and by the way Manners Customer Service is outstanding
So here’s pictures of my action. From what people are describing maybe this isn’t AW cut.


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Unless I am missing something it sounds like your mag catch is too short
You would need a higher one so that you can then file it to the right height

Yup, totally agreed.

The biggest issue I have is this:

When I "hold" the mag firmly against the action while in the Manners stock, it wont pick up a round. I think the mini chassis might be the issue hear?
It looks like the action isn't quite meeting up with the mag. Mind you, I haven't trimmed back the mag catch yet to fit the magazine to the mini-chassis.
Is the bolt hitting the back of the round or gets stuck on one of the feed lips? If it’s hitting the back of the round it should push it forward

It's hitting the back of the round if I "make" it. if I put rear upward pressure on the bolt (providing downware pressure to barely line the edge up with the mag) it'll attempt to push forward.. then hit the front of the action right below the feedramp.

This is on 3 brand new AW magazines.
Ah that isn't a bolt riding over a round issue that's a bullet nose stuck on feed ramp issue.

So the possible problem is the round isn't being angled to the feed ramp properly. Spring tension on the follower is weaker on the front than it is in the rear causing the round to slightly nose dive. Gap on front portion of the feed lip causing round presentation to be angled downwards. If so, widen front portion of feed lips ever so slightly. If widening prevents feed lips from retaining rounds, narrow the rear portion of the feed lips.

With a round in the magazine, is the bullet clearly above the edges of the magazine from a side view? Left magazine in picture below.
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It definitely is. I think there is some sort of tolerance/clearance stacking issue going on. I ordered an AICS mag to see if I can get it to feed.


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I would still open up the feed lip on the front portion particularly in the circled area around the case shoulder to allow the round to nose up a little more before going with permanent modification of parts.


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This Impact Titan action is cut for AW. The Impact 737 is not typically, but can be ordered that way. You can see a groove(?) in the center of the feed ramp. That’s the difference that I can see.


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