Naw, here in sweden one pf our non-skiers was just convicted of stabbing seven random people in broad daylight, but it was not classed as terrorism because reasons.
Vetlandadådet: Hovrätten fastställer tingsrättens dom
Göta hovrätt går på samma linje som tingsrätten och dömer den man som åtalats för dådet i Vetlanda i mars för försök till mord i sju fall. Påföljden bestäms till fängelse på livstid och utvisning efter avtjänat
I really wonder, if the media bigwigs, editors, and the politicians that advise them, are aware that the more they are not disclosing the perps' races or religions in their articles, the more people are assuming for themselves and jumping to conclusions right away. Like, do they sit during their board meetings and talk about how stupid they really are and how they are being mocked and ridiculed everywhere? They got to be aware somehow, right? Even though they may be "forced" to write articles a certain way because they have to keep their jobs...