Not having a gun does not mean helplessness. The importance of learning DEFENSIVE ARCHERY you cannot.

your "red dawn" scenario has no bearing in reality....nor is there significant evidence to back up these mall ninja claims.

the fact is....there is not a single place on the planet that you cannot obtain a firearm through one means or another....

frankly i would rather rely on a Slam fire shotgun that i made for $20 with pipe from home depot before i would rely on a fucking bow.

hell, get yourself a polymer 80 lower and a dremel tool and make yourself a firearm......or just buy yourself a black powder revolver.

Why, that's just plain un-American!

I am with you 100%. I would never place bows ahead of firearms. I train with various guns and I instruct others as well. There is no doubt that firearms retain full tactical advantage over anything else. If something is trying to break into my home right now I am going for my lever action hog rifle or my 1911. Likewise if this is a road trip I am going to have the 1873 in a case and pistol in the console.

But I brought up archery as a force advantage for those who may not be able to get their hands on a firearm at the moment. You can take on someone with an AR/AK with a bow. You try to get in behind him and shoot him in the back. And then you take his AR/AK. Ideally, this would be the maneuver you use but there are a lot of variables in real world situations. In a truly desperate moment, whether you have a bow or a handgun, you may just have to pray that your aim is true, break your cover and try to nail the rifleman with a head or chest shot and hope you don't get ventilated in the process.

For someone living in a hellhole where guns are not that available, a bow would be a definite force upgrade. It is a lethal projection weapon, and it can get you a gun.


O shit, you were serious in regards to this thread, attributes of bow usage and tactical applications of said such bow?

I thought you were making fun/light of the article......

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your "red dawn" scenario has no bearing in reality....nor is there significant evidence to back up these mall ninja claims.

the fact is....there is not a single place on the planet that you cannot obtain a firearm through one means or another....

frankly i would rather rely on a Slam fire shotgun that i made for $20 with pipe from home depot before i would rely on a fucking bow.

hell, get yourself a polymer 80 lower and a dremel tool and make yourself a firearm......or just buy yourself a black powder revolver.

If a dude with an AR, a lot of ammo and a mission is out running about, even a group of other dudes with AR's will find it quite troublesome to handle. Remember when that #BLM terrorist murdered 5 Dallas cops back in '16? They had to send in a drone robot wired with C4 to smoke his ass. They knew better than to try to take him on head on. In such a situation everybody is fucked unless you either use trickery, ambush and strategy, or call in air support if you are .mil.

I got to agree with you on this though: I am fully confident that a hard working citizen even in London can get a Glock if he looks hard enough though. Using it when some dirtbag tries to jack in his door in the middle of the night is another story, judging by how they criminalize people who kill/injure perps. Mr. Homeowner in London would be better off using a bow if he can, and then have the deaded perp carted off to some lonely moor and thrown into a ravine. Simply because bows are silent and Glocks make a lot of noise. It is unbelievable how the fuck a whole proud society has degraded into a mob of begging, resigned wretches.

Raymond.....So the London guy is obligated to the law in regards to not owning a gun but NOT regulated by the law in regards to dumping a body into the ravine??

So is the homeowner a LAW abiding citizen or is he NOT?


His only option will either be:
A. Become an outlaw in a land that does not care about his rights if he wants to look out for the better interest of his family. OR

B. Come to the USA where his rights and dignity as a human being is still respected.
Well we were over due for another fucking least this ones not Preaching communism...

If this was 1938 and the jackboots are rounding up families all across Berlin, if all I had was a bow, I would go down fighting. Even if I got only one of the Nazis before the rest of them cut me in half with K98's, I would have still went down like a man, not begging, pleading or crying.

If there exists a tool that can level the playing field for the common citizen even for a little bit, I want to make people aware of it. Because when that concentration camp shit happens again, I hope people will use any means and go down fighting. Not begging or resorting to useless emotional gestures. Not going gently or bleating uselessly. But fighting, with all the skills and weapons available to them.
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Archery skills could be useful for hunting as needed.
You for some reason might not have a gun, or your ammo is very limited and needs to be saved for the 2 legged creatures.
You can make primitive arrows if you need that are good enough for hitting rabbits and such critters at close range fairly easily.

Slinging arrows at people with guns (including hiding behind "furniture") is going to go down like a western movie, heroes vs. Indians. Unless you happen to have a single target you are lying in wait for and get them on the first shot in a place where they actually don't have all the time in the world to shoot back at you.
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If this was 1938 and the jackboots are rounding up families all across Berlin, if all I had was a bow, I would go down fighting. Even if I got only one of the Nazis before the rest of them cut me in half with K98's, I would have still went down like a man, not begging, pleading or crying.

if this was 1938 and the jackboots were rounding up people..i would have found a gun (or simply not given up mine in the first place) and made petrol bombs

amazing how even in Warsaw ghettos and nazi controlled france....resistance fighters were able to round up guns.........they werent running around with arrows.

i wouldnt be running around like a fucking indian.....because i actually value my life.

If there exists a tool that can level the playing field for the common citizen even for a little bit, I want to make people aware of it. Because when that concentration camp shit happens again, I hope people will use any means and go down fighting. Not begging or resorting to useless emotional gestures. Not going gently or bleating uselessly. But fighting, with all the skills and weapons available to them.

that tool is called a gun
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Mr. Chen you have a one sided imagination it seems.

You speak of lawless survival situations yet you handicap your character with combat arrows because those bad guns are not allowed......

Would make for nice spinoff comic book story huh???


I have followed the recent comments here and I get what you guys are saying. Get a gun at all costs. I have never stated that bows are better than firearms, hell no. Only as a supplement to your existing firearms skills. But extra survival related skills are also good to learn, wouldn't you agree? And as a martial art, archery is pretty useful for maintaining a sharp mind and reflexes.
Archery helped tremendously with my trigger control and upper body condition.
As a SHIF skill it’s near worthless. Hand to hand combat, knife skills, demo skills, tracking skills, concealment skills all have value. Archery... not so much in the age of SS ammo and suppressors.
I did longbow archery as a kid, my dad wouldn't let me have guns yet so go figure. Arrows will easily defeat most body armor, it's essentially the difference between someone throwing a rock at you and someone throwing a knife at you. Seriously, throw rocks at a pillow/hunk of meat with all your strength and see how much damage it does, then drop a sharp knife on it from shoulder height and you'll see what I mean. In medieval times the bolt thrower crossbow was basically the king of the battlefield, it could punch through any worn armor and it was reasonably accurate. To this day it makes bullets look like nerf darts when it comes to outright lethality.
I did longbow archery as a kid, my dad wouldn't let me have guns yet so go figure. Arrows will easily defeat most body armor, it's essentially the difference between someone throwing a rock at you and someone throwing a knife at you. Seriously, throw rocks at a pillow/hunk of meat with all your strength and see how much damage it does, then drop a sharp knife on it from shoulder height and you'll see what I mean. In medieval times the bolt thrower crossbow was basically the king of the battlefield, it could punch through any worn armor and it was reasonably accurate. To this day it makes bullets look like nerf darts when it comes to outright lethality.

But will it punch through level III+?

OTOH, I remember a story from a while back where someone tried to carjack a guy in his garage, and he tagged him in the ass with one of those muzzie broadheads IIRC. Dude bled to death... from his ass.

Bows are certainly effective for killing shit, but there's a reason why I keep a 460SW on my hip when I'm bow hunting.
I'm not sure about level 3+, but I've seen it tested on other ratings and I'll say there's a very good chance it will. It will certainly outperform 556 and 308 regardless— 50BMG maybe not, so perhaps I somewhat overstated the Nerf dart hyperbole.

Lots of arrowheads are designed to create wound channels that won't close up, it also helps a little with creating a sucking chest cavity wound without needing to go through and through.
I'm not sure about level 3+, but I've seen it tested on other ratings and I'll say there's a very good chance it will. It will certainly outperform 556 and 308 regardless— 50BMG maybe not, so perhaps I somewhat overstated the Nerf dart hyperbole.

Lots of arrowheads are designed to create wound channels that won't close up, it also helps a little with creating a sucking chest cavity wound without needing to go through and through.

The triple blade hunting heads work like those old time tricorn bayonets...on steroids. That is why my primary kit for taking hogs are Montecs. They are much more simple than those high priced mechanical heads and they do the job, very quickly.

Arrows and bullets work via different mechanisms. Bullets dump energy and trauma into the target, relying on shock as the main action. Arrows are meant for cutting and they kill by exsanguination.

Arrows may be more lethal than bullets due to massive bleeding, but if you don't hit the CNS, the aggressor or game animal can still present a danger even while he is bleeding out. Hogs and deer hit with broadheads usually can run for up to 100 yards before collapsing.

Bullets? A far greater chance of instant CNS incapacitation from kinetic energy. One shot instant drops on game are very common with high powered rifles and revolvers.
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Well you could use a bow for covert operations with your other DIY weaponry and other primitively armed freedom fighters but eventually the evil powers will get wise to this and say they won’t be allowed either so you’ll have to give them up just like the guns.

At that point, you need to be highly skilled with Krav Maga and an icy stare. That’s the only way your going to win.
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I was just talking about outright lethality in regard to ability to inflict lethal wounds through body armor, without consideration of all the peripheral factors. I could shoot some game straight through the heart and it will run in either case, but yes bullets and arrows exert force on the target in different ways and that's why it shows an advantage against body armor. That said, given a choice I'd rather get shot with almost any sub 30 cal bullet than get shot with a hunting arrow with or without body armor. It's like being stabbed with this thing, it almost doesn't matter where it hits:
I was just talking about outright lethality in regard to ability to inflict lethal wounds through body armor, without consideration of all the peripheral factors. I could shoot some game straight through the heart and it will run in either case, but yes bullets and arrows exert force on the target in different ways and that's why it shows an advantage against body armor. That said, given a choice I'd rather get shot with almost any sub 30 cal bullet than get shot with a hunting arrow with or without body armor. It's like being stabbed with this thing, it almost doesn't matter where it hits:View attachment 6985596

Holy shit that is the same as the powdered black Cyclone knife that I saw on BudK. I was tempted to order one as a novelty but I settled on another Scrade SCHA6LBS 3.5in assisted opening folder for EDC. They were on sale so I bagged another one for a good deal.

There is no doubt that broadheads are deadly as all hell. In Gary Paulsen's Hatchet series of novels, Brian uses glue-on two blade models on wooden shafts shooting from a laminated longbow to kill a bear that had destroyed a Cree trapper's family. Before the bear bled out it literally pounced right on Brian, who just managed to hold another arrow out like a lance, impaling the beast as it fell on him.
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