Noveske barrel upgrade? Proof Research?


May 12, 2020
Hey Everyone,

I have a Noveske N4 Recon and am looking at options for a new barrel. My first choice is a Proof Research carbon fiber 18".

Then I got to thinking that, should I ever decide to sell, it may make the rifle hard to sell or reduce resale value over a SS or CHF steel barrel.

What do you all think?

Am I hurting resale if I go with a non-Noveske barrel?

I know the Proof CF barrel will suit what I want but I don't want to hurt the value in case I should ever decide to sell it.


Not sure a quality barrel will hurt “re-sale”, I think the bigger question is what is the rifle going to be used for? Is the current barrel shot out or just inaccurate? And why 28”? This will hep us with your question.
The factory barrel was damaged by a local "gunsmith" while attempting to remove a stuck case.

He has offered to share the cost of replacing it with a Criterion.

I want something better.

The reason for the 28 is that I can't type 😀 It is an 18 inch.
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Is it a build or a factory rifle with box, certificate, etc.? Is it as it left the factory other than the butched chamber or whatever? Oh, and how ITF did you get a stuck case that was so stuck that it presented a problem in the first place? What's the rest of the story??
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Curious how a case got so stuck one needed a gunsmith (or local moron with a shingle out may apply here) to get it out

How about he buys you a new Noveske barrel?
Then sell it and get a Proof if that works better for your needs

And dont use him again.
I have removed stuck cases a couple of times myself. On CHEAP rifles. I used a fiberglass rod I had about and tapped them gently out.

I tried same and it did not move easily. That is as far as I felt comfortable. So, I took it to a gunsmith who thought a steel rod was a better solution....

My best 5 shot groups have gone from sub MOA to 1.5-2 MOA with the same ammo.

I will not ever use him again. For now, I don't want to piss him off until I get his help buying a new barrel. I sure hope he is not on this forum....
Gunsmith claims Criterion barrel is superior to Noveske. I don't buy it.

Given circumstances and "attitude" I am feeling lucky if I manage to get any $ from him. I am going to get what I can and put it towards the best barrel I can manage.

I am liking the idea of CF to get some weight off of the front end. Proof appears to make the among the best without going crazy $$.
Throw the borescope away. All it did was hurt you feelings. Shoot it some more. I doubt if he hurt it. I guess I must be lucky; I've had maybe 40 AR's and never had a "stuck case". I've had bullets stuck in the lands due to bad headspace issues, but never a stuck case.
He probably ran a metal rod up the barrel to "Knock-out the case". Easy way to scratch the barrel. If you want Carbon, go Proof, They shoot excellent, not sure how they hold up under mag dumps. Regular SS Proof barrels are also excellent.
Hey Everyone,

I have a Noveske N4 Recon and am looking at options for a new barrel. My first choice is a Proof Research carbon fiber 18".

Then I got to thinking that, should I ever decide to sell, it may make the rifle hard to sell or reduce resale value over a SS or CHF steel barrel.

What do you all think?

Am I hurting resale if I go with a non-Noveske barrel?

I know the Proof CF barrel will suit what I want but I don't want to hurt the value in case I should ever decide to sell it.



Sorry brother but I think your priorities or misguided.

If you're not a proficient gas gun shooter, find somebody who is and have them shoot your rifle.

There is a plethora of reasons why you're having issues with stuck cases, improperly sized handloaded cases, cheap shit ammo or steel cased ammo, dirty chamber, Undergassed, and on and on.....

I've did 2 Custom builds with Noveske barrels last month, thier barrels are very accurate usually between .5-.75 MOA.

Here's one example, 12.5" Mid Gassed Noveske barrel for what is ultimately a SBR build using a V-Seven Titanium fixed Gas Block. I test fired the upper on a pistol Lower, fired two 5 shot groups and packed it up. The barrel is perfectly gassed, no need for a AGB with Geissele H2 Buffer and braided spring.


If you're still hell bent and replacing the Noveske barrel then do it.

Buy whatever barrel smokes your shorts, I'm getting Sub Half MOA with the new Heavy Contour Geissele Barrels (See thread, SOLGW/Geissele Build) pull the Veske and put it to the side. If you decide to sell the Noveske rifle pull the the new barrel and reinstall the old Noveske...simple
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He suspects his barrel was damaged by his gunsmith, resulting in degradation of its accuracy. He’s not looking to replace the barrel just because.

I didn't say he didn't, I'm just saying if he wants a new Barrel buy one. keep the original Noveske for if he wants to resell it, or do as many have already posted pick up another Noveske barrel and call it a day.

Either ways it's a simple fix in every regard, and if his gunsmith damage his Barrel he's obviously not worth a shit and the OP needs to find a new Smith.
The barrel is definitely damaged. I was able to shoot sub moa with some consistency before. Now its 1.5-2 moa

While I am still attracted to the reduced weight of the CF barrel, I am learning that they may not be as fantastic as first thought. I am beginning to lean back to SS. The Proof Research SS barrel is only about $200 more than the Noveske.
I am looking at a proof 16” carbon for my Noveske. From my perspective, I’d go carbon. And I wouldn’t sell your riffle or any rifle for that matter (that’s my public service announcement). 😎🤘