Now if they would bring back ass beatings, I'd call it a start

And knowing what most teachers are politically, do you really want them beating your kid after he tells them you voted for Trump?
You are not old enough to know what happened years ago when a teachers agenda was took out on children. When that happened it only happened once in that A/O for years, and some of the teachers did not survive the encounter. It was never the child's parent involved, as they always had a rock solid alibi.
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If God can stay on our fiat money,.... He can stay in the schools. The fucks that don't like that can move to commieforina or move to some other blue shit hole.
The masonic mystery babylon god the money printers honor with an inscription on the fiat isn’t the God that had the Ten Commandments inscribed in stone.

Should have served as a foreshadowing all these years for every Christian, in that they fully intend to replace God with theirs.
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It's odd. The ACLU instantly sues over the 10 commandments being in schools, but Muslim footbaths and prayer rooms are ok.
Ask yourself if you were on a campaign to spread evil what would you do differently then the people in charge? Next ask yourself if you still believe we are fighting earthly battles. I'm too new of a Christian to quote the bible but the darkness and evil motives of the elites are impossible to deny at this point
The masonic mystery babylon god the money printers honor with an inscription on the fiat isn’t the God that had the Ten Commandments inscribed in stone.

Should have served as a foreshadowing all these years for every Christian, in that they fully intend to replace God with theirs.
Naw, I'll stick with the founders version, not what many seem to think its morphed into.
Naw, I'll stick with the founders version, not what many seem to think it’s morphed into.
I get you. And my post was not meant as a slight to anyone’s view of what the inscription means to them personally.

But It’s inscribed there generically for a reason. Some would say that is because the US doesn’t stand between man and anyone else’s interpretation of God. That’s all fine and dandy in the judgment of imperfect men but left a big glaring gap for evil to step right in and take over.

Good for the state of LA to attempt to turn tide, which is great. But it will be too little too late for the nation as we stand immobilized on the correction side of Gods judgment getting our asses slapped. And that correction is just getting started. We have not hardly seen the worst yet to come.

If the inscription was God, there would be a shining Throne in heaven inscribed with Jesus standing next to it. Instead we got a creepy all seeing eye in the cornerstone position that is supposed to be Jesus but it really represents the “Instead of Jesus” that will be along here shortly to fix up the world that his minions have turned to shit.
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You are not old enough to know what happened years ago when a teachers agenda was took out on children. When that happened it only happened once in that A/O for years, and some of the teachers did not survive the encounter. It was never the child's parent involved, as they always had a rock solid alibi.
You have brain damage.

When I was in 5th grade, three teachers beat me to a black and blue pulp in retaliation for some shit my mother started with the PTA. I had no earthly idea what was going on. Scored 80 on a test, got dragged into a book room, held down and beaten. Yeah, teachers got fired.

Two years later a random teacher grabbed me and threw me down because I laughed at a crack from another student. I went upside his head with a chair and left him bloody. Principal knew the back story, I changed schools.

Corporal punishment is bullshit and if a fucking teacher ever touched my kids, they be fucked.

No idea why they hated my mother, she was a miserable bitch but that wasn't my fault.
You have brain damage.

When I was in 5th grade, three teachers beat me to a black and blue pulp in retaliation for some shit my mother started with the PTA. I had no earthly idea what was going on. Scored 80 on a test, got dragged into a book room, held down and beaten. Yeah, teachers got fired.

Two years later a random teacher grabbed me and threw me down because I laughed at a crack from another student. I went upside his head with a chair and left him bloody. Principal knew the back story, I changed schools.

Corporal punishment is bullshit and if a fucking teacher ever touched my kids, they be fucked.

No idea why they hated my mother, she was a miserable bitch but that wasn't my fault.
You must have been in liberal shit holes for that to happen. What school districts were you in & what years? That kind of B/S never happened in any school I've ever went to in the 50's & 60's. For if it did those teachers would have been quickly made dead.
interesting stories. went to catholic HS early 60s. a few of the real old time priests would use it. actually it was offered to the offender as an option for things that were usually much worse. a lot of the students were from old line cuban families and if a kid's father found out about an egregious offense the corporal punishment was delivered at home with latin vigor. same at PI in '66. senior DI only did it to those that went UNK or pre qual day. his other corrective measures were brutal. had a jr DI busted and sent to vietnam for breaking a recruit's foot. it has it's place IMHO. BUT totally depends on the teacher,DI,cop being a stable,upright,just,non sadistic person with real desire to teach a hard lesson. nowdays? cops? no way. teachers? not possible. DIs? can't say.
I can tell you for a fact that Alabama would put wood to your ass in the early 80’s. No idea how long after that. Holes drilled in paddle and handle wrapped with a sponge. Ass smoking at school was just a prelude to what waited at home.
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I can tell you for a fact that Alabama would put wood to your ass in the early 80’s. No idea how long after that. Holes drilled in paddle and handle wrapped with a sponge. Ass smoking at school was just a prelude to what waited at home.
That was the way in Indiana all my school years, but if you did not deserve it, or the teacher was running an agenda on you, the world got real dangerous for them quick. Same applied if a neighbor beat your ass, another was waiting for you at home. Hint never sic your dog on your mother to save your ass from a beating, as dad did not play that, & would kill your dog quick. I loved that dog and took a double beating for it but at least the dog lived, pain free.
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USofA needs to move as some other countries have at 18 you serve 2 years man or woman . Disrespect that and see how fast a life changing event will take place in your life . There is plenty , to do not only training for war . Respect training would be a starting level .
USofA needs to move as some other countries have at 18 you serve 2 years man or woman . Disrespect that and see how fast a life changing event will take place in your life . There is plenty , to do not only training for war . Respect training would be a starting level .

The idea of two years of service sounds good…

Until you ask “who is training these impressionable youth… and what are they training them for.”

It’s all well and good if the DI is R. Lee Ermey.

But what if the cadre is entirely made up of Soros-funded communists?

You know how long it took to deprogram some of them Hitler Youth? Or the “Young Oktoberists?”

How many did Mao’s child Army kill in the Cultural Revolution and the Thousand Flowers campaign?

Then there was Joseph Kony — who we called the founder of Africa’s largest daycare. That ended well for thousands.

Thanks, but giving a government bureaucracy that answers to ChiComs… the opportunity to indoctrinate an entire nation’s youth in “whatever they want?” Hard pass!

The ACLU is a hate group. They no longer work for the benefit of actual people. Soros bought them out decades ago and uses them as a front for his fucked up ideas.
I remember learning about MLK years ago and his message. I remember learning how Malcom X went from 'Black Panther' approach to MLK approach. I remember learning about the Civil Rights Movement and the struggle that ensued.

Today- We just had a new national holiday, enacted by a democratic administration in 2021, to celebrate a group in Texas hearing they were freed by executive order on JUN 1865, by a Republican President... and get this... in JAN 1863 and was suppressed by the very same political party celebrating it today. And the section of our country it aligns to eats it up.

If nothing else, LBJ should be given all of the credit for what he's done for the democratic party to turn facts into a campaign and come out on top.