Why mess with anything else, If your main goal is to eradicate hogs and you've got a proven 308 that puts them down fast at any range and is cheaper to load or buy ammo for ?
You've also been hammering them with the 6.8 spc for awhile too.
308, 6.8, 6.5 .
Whats next, a suppressed .22lr pistol with subsonic ammo ?
Maybe a spear and loin cloth, with tactical sandals in the heat ?

I'm just jealous, as it's two months before I get to blast anything in my neck of the woods(unless the chickens start dying), it's been pouring rain the last two days, I have a punctured ear drum and my old bird dog is limping bad.
If I had a busted truck and my roof was leaking on my 6.5 Grendel, I'd have the full makings of a hard luck country song.