Nothing bad to say about the 4X Raptor. If you can handle the larger size of the 6X Raptor, you gain 50% increase in the magnification and a 42% increase in the size of the objective for only about $500 more. The light collection capability from the 178mm objective on the 6x is impressive. For most shooting between 300 and 650 yards with .308, I like 8x magnification. 6x brings me much closer to the 8x. 4x is useful for the distances where .223 would be optimally used. So, a lot of "what to choose" depends on how far you need to and can reach out with your rifle.
The Raptor series are special-purpose scopes. The PVS-14, PVS-22, and PVS-27 are much more versatile in their configuration support for both observation and aiming functions. However, the PVS-22 and PVS-27 have much steeper pricing.
As excellent as the UNS an MUNS "clip-on" scopes are, I do have to say that there can sometimes be unexpected frustrations with visual artifacts resulting from "stacking" even very high quality daytime optics with the night vision optics. So, if that is your primary purpose for a dedicated night vision scope to support medium- to long-distance aiming with magnification, the Raptor will suit your purpose very well.
There are a lot of anecdotal comments about the [lack of] durability of the Raptor. I have found them to be unfounded in actual use. The Raptor scopes are very durable.
The eye-pieces on the Raptor scopes can be the source of great irritation to many shooters. They are shuttered. This means that unless you press your eye socket right up against the eye cup, the rubber valves will remain closed, shutting off all visual access through the ocular end of the scope. I personally have no problems with the shuttered eye-pieces, but some shooters prefer longer eye relief. Shooters with corrective lenses (eye glasses) have enormous problems with shuttered eye-pieces. I will not pass any specific judgement on this matter except to advise that you discuss with TNVC your particular, intended application for the Raptor and let them work with you and advise you on the eye-piece issues and remedies.